Chapter 24

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going to bang my head off the wall because there's nothing else worth doing when there's no sightings fml

Fic, Faster, Ghostlanx, R; It's not just bullets that make hearts race.

Ghost!plush came with me on a beach trip, photos under cut!!

Rereading Draxie's Victoriana!verse from the beginning, omg I just cannot with this thing, how do you words I just *can't* what happened to my ability to can??

Maybe they're on vacation I bet the Ghost's a city break kind of guy

San Francisco baby! XD

(Draxie my dear, I know that you're online . . .)



no new sightings in like two weeeeeeeeeks

Fic: Black Coffee, ghostlanx, PG-13, just a moment of the quiet times - writing exercise a day day four, fic without dialogue

(Drax, you know I got a worried message from Blackbindings about you yesterday? And I know she worries because it's like, Tuesday, but I'm not exactly not concerned myself right now. I remember your punctuation-free period when you were fever-crazed with flu, I quite enjoyed it, you posted fic once while at a cousin's *wedding*, so, no fic in two weeks and we're supposed to think nothing's wrong . . . ?)

Fanart, Ghostlanx, R, Smoke & Mirrors, or, I wanted to play with smoke effects so I drew bondage sex in front of a mirror with lots of incense burning to keep it R? <3

we don't know what they're doing when theres no sightings, they could be sick or hurt or resting or visiting their moms, we don't *know*

(I'm just really busy Ghostly, on my way to a shift right now)

(Do you think I'm somehow unaware that you're actively avoiding us? You are not the type to turn bridezilla on us, Drax, what's happening?)

What was the last def sighting of them, that mugging in the Bronx? We got an upcloak shot out of it but that was weeks ago ;_;

Unofficial police reports of them in that bank heist, that was two weeks ago

Draxie I know you're probably busy with like wedding stuff but are you updating anytime soon?? victoriana!verse would like make my week about now T_T

Just because we're not getting reports of them doesn't mean they're not active, they don't exactly clock in on an evening, two weeks is hardly anything. We'll get new sightings when we get new *sightings*.

Fic: I've Never, ghostlanx, PG-13, a 5 + 1 fic; five things Phalanx has never done, and a first for the Ghost.

(I have to run sorry ghostly)

(Are you okay?)

(I'm fine just busy got to go tell bb not to worry)

(It's like telling the sky not to rain. You think I won't get on a bus and come kick you in person. You are wrong. We want to *help*, Draxie.)

(Bye Ghostly take care <3)

Rest up superboyfriends, I hope you're looking after each other? xxxx

(Believe me, my dear, this conversation is not over.)

no puckzilla in months the ghost probably misses him you don't know what it's like to *wait*

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