Chapter 6

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Blaine gets home buzzing, so full of adrenaline that his brain fizzes. There is no way in hell he's going to sleep like this. It's automatic to turn his computer on instead.

No way in hell he can blog about it either, but he doesn't have any pictures of Kurt, at least online he'll find some pictures of the Ghost to sigh over like a teenager, oh god, he actually - he let him - he wanted him to -

It didn't feel like a first kiss. It felt like the first kiss, first time he ever pressed his mouth to another boy's, except this time his face wasn't numb with vodka at a college party and still desperately afraid, this time he was stone cold sober and desperate with want. He just wanted to wrap Kurt up in himself, don't be afraid, don't ever be afraid, I'm going to look after you, I know you don't have anyone else to do this for you, I'm going to take care of you now . . .

God, he knows it's dangerous. He knows that what they're doing is deadly, he watched Kurt look down the barrel of a gun and ask to be allowed to stand to die tonight, he knows what could happen to either of them. But isn't that only more reason to care while you can . . . ?

He gets online, hand on the mouse moving on automatic, mind full of Kurt and how his body felt in his arm, leaning into Blaine like if he was going down like this he was doing it properly, helplessfor him and god that clenches so hot in his stomach, so it's a double shock when he actually sees what's happened to the internet while he's been away. It's - exploded.

Oh god. His face drains. It's not just an explosion.

It's a fucking sex riot.

About them.

There's a short clip of film, oh god, zoomed far in and pixellated as hell but that is definitely Kurt, that's the Ghost appearing in an alleyway next to someone all in black in a black ski mask who grabs his arm, and the Ghost puts a hand around his arm too and then they vanish. Just disappear like they were never even there. It's all of six seconds long, and the sound of fangirls screaming might have actually knocked the Earth off its axis.

Because it took them all of three seconds to link that guy in black to the guy in black at the last Puckzilla battle.

Because it's the same shields.

Because it's the same guy.

Because the Ghost is no longer solo, and so many of the tags are just I'm literally crying omfg.

Blaine's hand has gone numb on the mouse. He swallows.

Okay. Damage control. Kurt needs to know this stuff just as much as he does. He works backwards, works out how this originated - not even on a fanghost blog, some girl who normally posts photographs of cupcakes and kittens caught it out of her bedroom window. Only as soon as it was out there it was out there, no stopping it. The Ghostzilla shippers are declaring war, it doesn't mean anything, it's just some guy, they don't have the chemistry he has with Puckzilla. But everyone else - well, everyone else is assuming that exactly what actually happened happened.

Oh my god they could be having hot naked supersex RIGHT NOW.

Okay, maybe not exactly what actually happened. But . . .

He swallows, and the pad of his finger plays unconsciously with the mouse's scroll wheel. Okay. It's - disturbing in the extreme. But . . . if you don't reblog it, people will notice. You reblogeverything about the Ghost. So if you don't reblog this creepy piece of craziness about yourself, they'll wonder why. God, secret identities, this is . . .

So he reblogs it, tagged with, I have absolutely no idea, Guys seriously that could be his brother for all we know, Or his cousin, Wait for more evidence?, and then emails Kurt a link to the entry. You are going to need to see this.

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