Chapter 5

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Kurt's sleepily watching the TV over a breakfast bagel when Rachel breezes back into the apartment with a bag full of groceries in her arms. "Look who's finally awake! What time were you up until last night, you missed a beautiful morning -"

Kurt doesn't even look away from the news. "I'm going to leave that in the 'it's none of your business' pile and good morning to you too, Rachel."

"Well," Rachel says, unpacking milk into the refrigerator, "to make a change from skeevy nights out with anonymous guys, there's this guy on my course who-"


"He's really-"


"But you would really-"

"No." He takes a bite of bagel.

She slams the fridge door. "You would really like him if you met him! He's a nice guy! I don't know what you have against actual relationships as opposed to - to -"

Kurt just keeps his eyes on the news, which is predictably gloomy. "To . . . ?"

Rachel says very seriously, "Kurt, after what Adam said in that message, I - I think you might have a serious and profound phobia of commitment."

Kurt says, "I think I'm busy and I'm fine on my own and I really cannot be bothered to discuss your disturbing obsession with my private life on a Saturday morning."

"Then how come when you're actually datingsomeone you're not interested in sleeping with them but you never have any trouble with - other guys? He's really nice and he's up for a date, anyway, I already pencilled in tonight with-"

"You told him about me?" He finally turns his head to stare at her. "You already set us up? What did you tell him about me?"

"That you work in fashion and you're cute in an anaemic sort of way and -"

Kurt wriggles deeper into the sofa, and huddles scowling over his bagel. "You wonder why I don't want you setting me up."

Rachel sets her jaw grim, and begins banging things into cupboards. "I told him that you're a really great guy who I care about a lot, that you're funny and sweet and nice when you're not in anincredibly bad mood all the time, and I want you to be happy, and you need a decent boyfriend for once to break you out of this bad spiral of unsuitable late night nobodies."

Now Kurt sits up, back sword-straight, and says, "You told him that I'm a slut and I need rescuing from myself."

"I did not say that!"

"I think you will find that you did!"

She stabs the air with a jar of mustard. "Well do you ever think that maybe you are?"

He holds her eye and he's so angry he's shaking. "No. Not once in my entire life, no. And I don't think that anyone else has any damn right to either."

She puts a hand to her forehead, eyes closed, and her slumping hand thumps the mustard onto the breakfast bar. "Kurt, I want you to be happy, I want you to be -"

"My happiness isn't something that you get to define."

"You're going to pretend you're happy like you are? I want you to be safe, are you at least - Kurt tell me that you do use protection -"

"Oh my god are you giving me the talk? I'm twenty-three years old, Rachel!"

She folds her arms, says to the breakfast bar, "I know you don't have any in your wallet."

Kurt stares at her, his breath drawing in so slow, so long, so low.

He says, "What?"

"I - looked. When you were - you were asleep on the sofa once. I just want you to be-"

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