Chapter 28

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look at all the candles, I hope he saw it <3

Getting news reports on us now, he better see it!!

(Welcome home, Draxie my dearest. Did you have fun?)

(It was *amazing*, Ghostly. I feel so much better for that. Just - everyone was so amazing, so so perfect, I just feel better about the entire *planet*.)

(I wish we could have been there Draxie! =( )

(I missed you guys there too, bb. But I'll see you soon, right? <3)

ok reading draxie's new fic just after the vigil is a bit of a fuck in the feels I can't even

'Once he saw a guy in a store let a woman with a howling child clamped in her arm and a dragging-heavy basket skip ahead of him in the line, and he thought, The only difference between them and me is the cloak. You don't know what it might mean to someone, to do something kind. The only difference is I do it in the dark with a mask on and people say it's brave, but every time you reach out and make a ripple in a enormous world, isn't it always brave?' Fuck Drax. Shit. I mean, fuck, look at how articulate you made me, fuck

I hope the Ghost knows we love him, and that he finds an extra candy bar at the back of the icebox xx

(What was it like, Draxie?)

(It was just really, really lovely, I can't even describe it. The crowd was *insane*, never seen so many people who you just wouldn't think had anything in common all standing there together. You sometimes think phandom's just a bunch of teenage girls - no offence, bb, you're my favourite teenage girl <3 - but it was a really crazy crowd, there were parents with little kids with Ghost dolls and grown women and there was this adorable couple of two girls one in green and one in gray holding hands and there were these two teenage boys with a little girl in tow arguing about orcs or something and one of them was wearing a Santa hat for some reason, I mean it was a *crazy* crowd, and a bunch of normal New Yorkers joined in, we shared out candles. It just felt really good, there was a lot of crying, mostly the happy crying, I'm crying again typing this jeez.)

(I'm crying too ;_;)

(The fandom needed a moment to regroup. Superhero fangirling is an emotionally wearing business.)

AU: Supernaturghostlanx - 'You can't exorcise me, I'm not a real ghost!!' - I just need this a whole lot ok lots of confusion and squabbling and then banding together to save the world omg ;_;

. . . think I might have just started spontaneously shipping Ghostiel . . .

Fanart rec, massively NSFW: Phuckyeahphalanx's Phalanx fucking the Ghost while he's invisible because um basically it's - this gorgeous anatomically-perfect I-can't-even of Phalanx - um - and you can work out what the Ghost's doing by - yeah. Fuck. *fans self*

I wish he'd come to see us, all we want to know is he's ok T-T

(I feel so much better for that. I don't know, I know I don't *know* any more because of it, I don't know that he's fine now, but it's really good to know I'm not the only person who's felt this bad about it. It was really - it was good for us all to be able to vent feelings like that. You knows fangirls, always got too many feelings :P)

(The photos look *amazing* <3)

(I wish he'd been able to show up for it. I hope he's ok. I wish Phalanx had come even, I get that they can't but it would reassure so many people . . .)

All the Other Ghosts (Boyxboy Superhero AU Fanfic (Klaine))Where stories live. Discover now