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I lay on his bed, staring up at the ceiling. We have been doing math for the past four hours. We were tired.

Brooklyn laid next to me on his phone.

"I'm mathed out.", he said turning off his phone. I turned to look at him but he was also looking at me. Our faces almost touched.

I scooted away. "Sorry."

He laughed. "I think I should go home. My parents might be worried now.", I said getting up from the bed.

Brooklyn grabbed my wrist pulling me back. "I don't think they would be worried, you're at the Beckhams house at the moment. Do you think anyone would worry to be here?", he asked.

"I guess you're right. But if I'm gonna stay, let's go do something.", I said jumping up and down. I pulled him up.

"Ugh, why do you have to be so active?", he asked stretching. I crossed my arms. "You're the athlete here. I don't know why you're saying that."

Brooklyn gave me a crooked smile and put on his grey sweater. "So what are we gonna do?", I asked.

He was halfway out the door then stopped. "I'm gonna show you a place that you will fall in love with."


I got out of his car. He put his hands on my eyes and we walked somewhere.

"Brooklyn what are you doing?", I giggled. "You'll see."

Then, he uncovered my eyes and what I saw was pure beauty. We were standing in the middle of a professional football field. The rows of seats so perfectly aligned. The grass so evenly cut. A little brush of wind sped through the grass area together with the audience area.

"I-it's beautiful Brooklyn.", I whispered. He walked closer to me.

"Yea, my dad used to bring me here every day to play some football together. But it all kinda stopped after I turned 13. So I just come here to relax.", he said.

I looked at him. He seemed as if he were daydreaming. "What are you thinking about?", I asked. He turned to look at me. "If I tell you, you promise to not tell a single living soul?", he asked.

I nodded. "I cross my heart."

He licked his lips and said,"Ok, I kinda have a little tinsi winsi crush on Flora.", he said squinting.

Something struck me. I couldn't tell myself why.

"Wow, tha-that's a big changer...I guess.", I said.

I walked to a corner at a goal net and picked up a ball just laying there.

"Let me try something.", I said. Brooklyn nodded as I began to juggle the ball. I went on and on and it never fell.

"Wow, you have the talent.", he smiled. I stopped and shot the ball into the net.

"I used to play. But I quit about three years ago.", I murmured.

He walked closer. "Why? A bad memory?", he asked shyly. I bit my lip. I felt like running away at the moment. But something about this boy makes me wanna stay right here.

"Um...I-I don't wanna t-talk about i-it.", I whimpered. Brooklyn looked shocked but he didn't say anything.

"Should we head back home?", he asked me.

I flinched. "Take me home Brooklyn. I'll see you tomorrow.", I responded. Brooklyn look hurt by my words but again, he said nothing.

We got in the car and drove to my house. I opened the door and got off. Brooklyn lowered the window.

"So at what time tomorrow?", he asked me squinting.

"Mmmmm, how about noon again. That way we can have a little bit of more time to do other stuff. I've had fun with you.", I smiled.

Brooklyn smiled. His eyes got smaller. "Ok. I'm having fun with you too.", he responded.

We waved goodbye and he drove off. I ran into my house but was stopped my Ysabella.

"How was your study date with one of the Beckhams?", she asked teasingly.

I punched her shoulder and laughed. "It went well. We aren't dating by the way.", I giggled. Ysabella smiled. "I know. But you're my little sister. I gotta look out for you."

I hugged her and said,"Love you Ysabella." "Love you too Kels."

~Brooklyn POV~

"So how was your homework?", I asked Flora through my computer screen. We were having FaceTime. We do it every day or every night. I really enjoy our talks.

She twirled her hair and said,"I didn't finish it all. I tried, can I copy off of you at school before class?"

I cleared my throat. "Sure. That's fine."

She smiled. "So how was tutoring with Kelsey?", she asked. I ran my fingers through my hair and bit my lip. The sound of her name made me feel odd. I couldn't exactly tell what it was.

"It was actually very fun! We laughed so much. She is really funny you know. I even showed her some place very amazing.", I responded.

"But did she understand the math?" Flora blurted. "Uh, well she's getting there. I can tell that it's true she's always struggled with it but, I'm gonna help her as much as I can."

Flora laughed and hit her bed. "Kelsey is such a dweeb. She's never gonna be good at it. Brook, it's better to just give up on her. It's only gonna get you stressed." She said.

I back up from the screen. "What the hell are you saying Flora? Kelsey may be struggling but one day she's gonna understand it. You cannot doubt someone without trying to learn how they actually are.", I sternly responded.

Flora rolled her eyes. "I don't care. I've known her since we were five. I think I would know how this is gonna end up."

I looked down. "Goodnight Flora."

She blew me kiss before disconnecting. Could she be right? Can Kelsey make me stress more?

Hey guys!
It's almost 10pm. I super tired. Tomorrow is my last day of school. Hooray!!!!

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