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"My baby are you ok?", Brooklyns mum shouted as she ran towards us.

She gave him a big hug. "Yes we are ok mum. A lot of people got held hostage. But I believe many people are going to bring them back to safety.", he said.

"Atleast you're safe now.", David smiled at us. I felt Harper tug on my bloody dress.

"Why is your dress red?", she asked.

Victoria picked her up and quickly took her upstairs.

"Kelsey, would you like to spend the night? You've have a rough night. Maybe Brooklyn by your side tonight would help you sleep better. ", David asked me. "Yeah. That would be ok."

Brooklyn changed into his pajamas. He let me borrow a pair of his boxers and tshirt.

I stepped into his shower and rinsed my hair. Blood fell down the drain. I rubbed my face with soap getting all the stains off.

After my clean shower, I went into Brooklyns room. I found him already showered and laying on his bed.

"You ready to go to sleep?", he asked as he got up. "Wait why are you getting up?", I asked. "I'm gonna take you to the guest room.", he said.

"Can I sleep with you?", I asked.

Brooklyn smiled and nodded. He laid on his bed and made some space for me.

I pulled the cover over myself and closed my eyes. Brooklyn laid his arm over me and pulled me closer to him.

I felt his warm breath on the back of my neck.


"Yes Brooklyn?"

"I'm glad you're ok.", he whispered. "I'm glad we are too."


I woke up kicking and screaming at the top of my lungs. All I heard was Brooklyn's voice trying to calm me down.

"Kelsey, shh you're ok.", he whispered to me. I must've had a bad dream. But for some reason, I didn't remember it.

I looked over at the the clock. 3:47am. I laid my sled back into bed. I slipped closer and closer to Brooklyn than before.

I had my face hidden in his chest. He had his arms wrapped around my back slowly stroking my hair.

"Just go back to sleep.", he whispered to me. "Last night was horrible.", I told him.

He looked into my eyes. "But it's over. Just don't think about it, I'm here for you." I felt his breathing on my face.

I tilted my head and gave him a quick peck on his lips and closed my eyes.


I opened my eyes slowly getting up. Brooklyn's arm was around me. I tried my best to pry myself free, but he would pull me back to him. Brooklyn tightened his grip around me. I had no choice but wake him up.

"Brooklyn.", I whispered. He just snored. I turned around slowly to where I could see him. I poked his cheek many times. Still nothing. Brooklyn is such a deep sleeper. What the heck is this boy dreaming about?

I tried pushing him away but he would bring me back, I tried tickling him, pushing his head back, and still nothing. Brooklyn breathed on my face.

I cupped his face in my hands and gave him a kiss. His eyes shot open and he quickly sat up.

"What just happened?", he asked a little startled.

I burst out in laughter from his quick reaction. All it took was a kiss to wake the dang boy up!

Brooklyn tilted his head and gave me a weird smile. "What's wrong?", he asked.

"It took you so long to wake up!", I laughed. Brooklyn smiled and pulled the blanket over me. He began to crazily tickle me to where I couldn't stop laughing.

"Brooklyn! Stop! Stop! Stooooop!", I laughed loudly. My blonde hair got all messy under the blankets.

Brooklyn stopped and I came back up from under the covers. I looked up and he was gone.


I heard his laugh outside of his room. I smiled to myself and got up from his bed.

I followed his laughter down the halls. This house was huge, it would take me hours to find Brooklyn.

Cruz walked out of his room. "Why are you up so early?", he asked me. "Looking for your brother.", I laughed. Cruz's smiled lit up. "Can I come?", he asked happily.


Cruz and I searched the house room by room. Brooklyn was good at this. We walked slowly down a hall. We passed a room with a tall door. When, Brooklyn jumped out of the room and hugged me from behind.

"Ah! Brooklyn!", I shouted. "Brook!", Cruz shouted. Brooklyn let go of me laughing his ass off.

"Don't leave me like that!", I joked. Brooklyn looked down at Cruz. "You want some pancakes?", he asked him.

"Duh.", Cruz laughed.

Brooklyn soon began cooking actual pancakes right in front of my eyes. He shook the batter, heated it, and there the pancakes were.

He gave Cruz three pancakes with whip creme and a cherry.

"Wow you're a fancy cook.", I said smiling to Brooklyn. He sat down at the table and stuffed pancakes into his mouth. "Thwanks.", he said with a full mouth.

"Well what's this?", David said as he sat down beside Cruz. "Brooklyn made us pancakes.", I said with a smile.

David gave me an odd smile. "Was Brook tickling you?", he asked. "Yeah...why?"

David laughed. "Because your hair is all messy and your face is still red."

I quickly fixed my hair and laughed. Brooklyn looked up from his almost empty plate. "Dad can you take us to the outdoor mall today?", Brooklyn asked.

Victoria came in and sat at the other side of David. She yawned and rubbed her eyes. "Good morning everybody.", she yawned.

David looked at her and said,"Actually maybe we can all go."

Brooklyn smiled and stuffed the last of his pancakes in his mouth. "Great!" He said.

Hey guys!
This is basically a morning with the Beckham's😂

So today I had my last day of school before thanksgiving. It was BORING. I mean what's the point of coming to school for only two days? You could be at home doing something else better with your life then school. We didn't even do anything these two days!


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