Chapter 3

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I did draw this picture. :3
Enjoy the chapter! <3

You sat in you're room blasting f/b on you're speakers while drawing. "Child! Please turn that down. I can hear it from my office!" Slender yelled and walked away. You sighed and turned it down a bit. Once you finished you're drawing you tapped it into the wall and looked at it. You smiled as you laid down on you're bed slowly closing you're eyes.

There was a knock on the door. You got up mumbling curse woords under you're breath. You opened it to have someone smash their lips onto yours. You're eyes widened as you saw it was BEN. You screamed in his face. Making him run away laughing like a maniac. "You fucking bitch!" You screamed at the top of you're lungs and slammed the door shut.

You scrubbed you're lips for two hours. You sighed and fell on you're bed. Someone knocked on you're door. "Nobody's here! Leave a message after the beep...BEEP!" You said while setting you'rd head in you're arms. The door opened anyway.

You turned around to see Jeff sit beside you. "Can I ask you a question, Y/n?" He asked while biting his lip nervously. You looked at him curiously. "Uh sure.." You said with a shrug. "Well uh.. You know we've been friends for awhile and uh I was wondering.. Will you.. Uh.. Be my girlfriend?" He said blushing madly. You're eyes widened as he grabbed you're hand. "Uh Jeff.. I uh.."

"Would you like some time to think about it?" He asked. You nodded not wanting to hurt his feelings. He left leaving you to think. "What do I do?" You asked yourself as you buried you're face in you're hands."

Will you say yes? Or will you say no? Hehe.. You'll just have to wait.. I think I'm gonna update tonight again not sure. I just feel like writing. Thanks for reading. Wuvs wuu! ^w^

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