Kidnapped, Or As I Like To Call It, Saved book 1

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  • Dedicated to Mary McKillop


Chapter 1

They always told me that seeing is believing… but they never told me what I was going to see. I guess it’s more of a life experience thing; live and learn I suppose.

 In the early years, sure people had fun with the idea; making books and stories about it and such. Petty entertainment for the public mind, but we didn’t quite understand that the books weren’t fictional make believe; they were cold hard facts and confessions about what was going on under the surface of ordinary life.

In the spring of 2011, I had just turned the age of fourteen; a simple age. Caught between nine, and nineteen. The world, or at least for the human race, took a turn for the worst.

It started out as killings; common killings, happening all the time and occurring quite frequently. You really don’t think much of it, until seven people die on the same day. Then people were starting to wonder. The death rate in countries all over the world were jumping rates as each month past by. Each slow and petrifying month that dried up like water in the desert. I ignored the thought of death the best I could manage. It was only natural, being fourteen and not considering death since I had a good seventy years until I needed to worry about it.

I couldn’t ignore it anymore though once the killings spread all the way out to my small town in Kent County Michigan. It only stirred my emotions; making me ever so skittish, but still trudging through life only looking forward to the future.

I had succeeded in ignoring it, until on the news one night, terrorists had hacked into the national emergency broadcast system. A threat was informed and they finally reviled themselves as the cold blooded monsters they are.


Vampires may have been the popular subject, but people were too uneducated to know the difference. Everyone was on high alert, and we were all trying to run or evacuate or something to get away once the truth had been revealed. We scattered like roaches in bright light. The already dark and scary world was getting too big for your average person.

Not only did they make appearances on television, but they made physical appearances without hesitation. They showed up at my school one day; the first of hundreds around the country. My small little pathetic public school plopped in the middle of West Michigan. I was in the eleventh grade at that point; planning to go to college after high school. The day was like any other. They killed three friends of mine, along with 26 other students. They left as quick as they came.

People all over the world were dropping like flies by the hands of demons. All deaths made loud and clear of there purpose in the middle of highly populated areas. We were surrounded. There was no way out. I dropped out of school and hid in my house for days on end. Hoping the government would find them and kill them, but no matter what the human race seemed to do, the demons remained hidden and concealed unless they wanted to be seen. Everyone was confused as to why these creatures that took on the appearance of human beings would of all things; want to exterminate the human race.

I watched the world end right before my very eyes, due to something so unimaginable, it made my eyes burn and my stomach heave. Things so simple to the mind like, fresh food, indoor plumbing, school, and friends, were becoming luxury items that even money couldn’t buy you. It didn’t matter what your social status was, or who you knew, or what you owned. You were a target; an infestation. You were to be killed quickly, and the world would move on without you. I didn’t want to die like that. I didn’t want to die like a side character in a story book or a movie. I didn’t want to be a filler chapter in a bigger story. It made me feel useless.

Around the time my house’s emergency food and water was nearly all gone, was when all power around The United States shut down. It was only a matter of days afterwards that the government fell to its knees, and slowly died away. Demons had destroyed the greatest power in the world in a matter of a few measly years. The world had become an agonizing place for anyone who stood up and called themselves a human. A month after the collapse of the government, the demons were rounding us all up like cattle, or sheep. Breaking into our houses and dragging us out by our ankles. We were all transported into a football field as I remember what it was. We stayed there for at least three months before I heard new of all of this happening around the globe. People were being gathered all into one spot. Rumors were spreading that they had some big plan, I was already terrified enough living in a football dome with limited food and water and no pluming. I was lucky enough that I still had my parents. If anyone so much as said one wrong word, decapitation was always the monster’s way of making someone silent.

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