Kidnapped, Or As I Like To Call It, Saved -chapter 5-

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Nero’s POV

            I trained for at least two hours. Cut after cut, hit after hit, I worked through my hardest training course I could manage. I could feel my cold sweat drip down my face and trailing down my skin till it shook itself free off of my chin.

            I threw one last knife, and it landed directly in the spot I wanted to hit. I could feel my adrenaline slow down; now that I knew my training was over. My mind was almost defogging from my training. Every time I trained it was as if my mind were in a fog, and the only thing that mattered was the next target. A vicious way to think but I always reminded myself that that was what it took, since the world wasn’t what it used to be. Things were always getting worse.

            I grabbed a towel to wipe my face of its salty covered perspiration. And I put my cloak on its rightful hanger. I detached my knife pockets, and recollected all my weapons and stored them in their rightful places. I needed a new game plan.

 I now knew for a fact that I needed to take out the counsel before I took out the head dictator. This meant I had to get more personal, which meant I, or my disguise William, had to come in closer contact and get in deeper with the counsel, but if I show up at another meeting without a “slave” to company me I will raise suspicions. Not only that but I was running out of pills to disguise my scent, and Leon, the head dictator, had his own ways of trickery to expose me if I made any slip ups to reveal my identity.

I could feel a head ache grow in my cranium and I rubbed my temples to relieve the dull throb. Suddenly I could hear my music player boom on the upper basement level. I looked up to the ceiling as if I could see through the floor. I smiled light heartedly at her behavior since it must have been quite a decent amount of time since she last acted this way, so I decided to go investigate.

I climbed the stairs and up to the next level of the basement. I slowly walked my way down the halls as the music grew louder and louder the closer I got to the room, and already I could practically see her warm smile. I came to the door, and the music was booming by now. I opened the door, and stood there with my hands in my pockets and watched her dance her heart out, with the occasional hair flip or air guitar. I began to laugh aloud and she turned to look at me, extremely surprised to the point where she fell to the ground with a shriek.

She gasped for breathe now that she realized it was only me, and I couldn’t help but laugh good and hearty. She smiled at me but her eyes held annoyance. I reached a hand out to help her up, and she took it, except her smile grew mischievous at the last moment.

She yanked me forward and I fell to the ground flat on my face. It took me a moment to realize what happened and then she burst out laughing. I was about to laugh with her, but out of the corner of my eye I finally saw what the blank canvases that my uncle had left for my family, had been shaped and plastered into a master piece. I stopped all at once, and felt my feat lift me from the ground. I could see her look at me out of the corner of her eye with a confused expression.

I slowly walked over and longed so much to just touch it, but I knew that if I did it would smear the paint. She came from behind me and looked at it, then at me, but I never moved my eyes except to view different parts of the painting. She kept staring at me and not the magnificent creation that stood before me. Colors varied in different areas perfectly to show the differences between each item.

“How…” I said practically breathless as my eyes wandered over to the other unfinished masterpieces that waited patiently for her creative touch.

“Always had a knack for it… Ever since I was little… I was hoping that it would pay the bills one day… and I could live my life through my paintings, but the war snapped me back to reality.” I felt a hint of anger pierce in my heart for having half of my kind take such a gift away from the world. I thought of the things she could have done.

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