Kidnapped, Or As I Like To Call It, Saved -chapter 15-

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Bly’s POV

            The meeting was flowing into such an easy mood it was as though none of them had even remembered that three of them died only several weeks ago. Somewhere along the way someone ordered for a glass of brandy and it came within less than five minutes. The group now sat quietly discussing terms of less important government matters as if discussing on what they were having for dinner.

            It was so odd how they took on the heaviest discussion first with precision and stress but after the main problem had been given its rightful attention, the matters afterwards were nothing in comparison. Just small matters that different units would attended to. They wrote different things down that they were assigned to on slips of paper as if to remind themselves and lightheartedly if not friendly, chatted on terms of good feelings.

            I suppose being highly ranked meant that you had to keep absolute composure when it came to the public being present. Of course the reporters were expected to never leek the truth, but as an extra precaution they never got so far into a topic as they would rather in private… hence the two sections to meetings to separate public from private.

            I watched them as they handled their wine glasses like an extension of their hand. I mentally scoffed at the relaxed behavior. Like running a government was a walk in the park. For the U.S. government it seemed like no one was ever calm or lightheartedly in speaking terms. Someone always seemed to want to punch a governor or politic person, what have you, in the face. Not to mention the lesser bright ones whom most people, even the public wanted to simply smack. World politics, as it use to be for humans, seemed to be even worse. I suppose that’s why we fell so “easily” to them.

            We were scared, greedy, and angry. To add to it we weren’t united on good terms in any retrospect of the meaning, although we had the intentions and passion to do so. World peace for us seemed impossible. For demons though, a longer life time, meant more time to mature and understand. They based their actions more on the future than they did on the present since they lived longer than we did. In some ways it made me feel selfish… but I wasn’t one to represent the human race.

            I thought long and hard about it before suddenly the room seemed to begin to move. I shot my head up to see them all standing and I stood taller and at attention.

            “Let the public proceed to exiting and then inspection before our mid-term.” Leon ordered. The men in suits nodded and then quietly escorted the three of them around the table and to the exit they entered through. I held my head low as they came closer. I tried so hard to resist the urge to look up. I wanted to see their faces. I don’t know why… but it was as if something was pushing me to the edge of my curiosity. I wanted to know.

            I felt the air move as the first man passed me. I slowly rolled my eyes upwards to catch one glimpse of the next. I only saw his blonde hair and glasses that blocked the color of his eyes. He was out of my vision in an instant. My eyes darted to the next, and my heart leapt at the sight of her.

            It had been months of separation and I thought that I would never see her. Her curly blonde hair was held up into a neat pony tail. Her bright neon green eyes sparked to look over at me for a brief moment and then her face seemed to smooth over with confusion. I tilted my head high enough to show her the blue in my eyes and she subtle sucked in a breath of surprise. Although she kept walking she didn’t take her eyes off of me.

            The two guards on either side of me slipped behind her in suspicion as she continued to walk away even though her eyes still held their gaze. She noticed the men behind her and then darted her head away. A shaky sigh escaped my mouth and I felt the tears jump into my eyes.

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