Kidnapped, Or As I Like To Call It, Saved -chapter 22-

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Bly’s POV

I ran down every hallway, on every floor. I tore through doors and raided rooms looking for Nero. He was nowhere to be found. My breath felt like sand paper against my throat. I pushed on hoping I would open a door, and there he would stand surprised by my harsh actions.

Every door, every room, no one was there. I stopped all at once feeling the hopelessness build up in me, and I leaned against a wall in support to relieve the weary feeling in my legs. I took five large breathes, before I realized what hallway I was in. I looked up in a grimace at the door to the upper levels.

I made a b-line for the changing room, and swallowed a pill while I ripped off my shirt. I slipped into Ivan’s blue cotton button up. My shorts were nowhere to be found, so I settled with the shirt since it already was over halfway to my knees.

I ripped open the door to see the lights from upstairs cascading into the darkness of the basement. I hopped up them two at a time as the lights grew brighter. My feet slapping against the ground and my heavy breathing were the only sounds heard.

I reached the top and practically took off once I was through the door frame. My feet carrying me all the way, I opened doors I had never opened before. I only took the time to see if Nero was in any of them, and nothing else.

Room after room, I was starting to become lost. I had never been in this part of the house. I stopped in the center of a four way intersection. I turned in circles trying to guess on which way to go. My eyes darting in different directions, and my heart rate spiking, I didn’t know where to go, so I chose left. I skipped a couple of doors when I saw light seeping out from underneath of one. My eyes widened in hope, and my spirit rose in excitement. I tore open the door to see the glow of a fire place.

Ivan leaned against it; gazing at it in thought. His head shot up to see me standing in the door frame, panting for breathe. He looked stunned at my sudden entrance. I would have turned around to continue looking, if he hadn’t have turned back to the fire. He didn’t seem to care what happened to me, and this made me want to stay. I would think he’d be mad or confused or something, but he just stared aimlessly at the fire place. I walked towards him in swift steps, and tugged on his shirt sleeve to grab his attention.

He looked down at me surprised again, and my face grew sour at him in seriousness. He frowned at my expression.

“Where are they?” I demanded. He looked at me confused.


“Where are they!?” I retorted. His look began to reflect mine and suddenly a feud was set fire to.

“Taking care of rebel business that you don’t need to worry about!” he said making it painfully obvious that he was irritated with my nosey attitude.

“Damn right it’s my business! I shoved my tongue down the throat of a complete stranger for you! Don’t you tell me this isn’t my business!!!” He winced away realizing I had every right. Growling in bitter defeat, he persisted to turn back and look into the fire place. His eyebrows narrowed at the bridge between his nose, it was clear that he was frustrated. A long pause fallowed.

“I’ve just sent my unstable cousin to slaughter the leaders of the most powerful government the world has come to known, and I’ve sent my best friend off to kill his very own father…”

“And you didn’t think that I should know!?” he winced again at my harsh tone.

“You know what this is…”

“Quite frankly I don’t. Care to explain why they’re off doing all the work while you cower by the fire place!?” he glared at me through harsh unforgiving eyes.

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