Kidnapped, Or As I Like To Call It, Saved -chapter 28-

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Bly’s POV

            Sleep seemed to be impossible to even take on. Somewhere in the middle of the night I managed to swallow a few pain killers and then doze off until mid-morning. Drifting through nightmares was what my unconsciousness consisted of.

            I opened my eyes to see the soft sheets of my bed, folded oblong in the middle of my mattress as proof that I didn’t sleep well. I looked to my right to see my papers neatly folded and waiting on my night stand. They seemed to glare at me. I looked away feeling my stomach heave, even though I was hungry.

            I slipped off of my comforting mattress, and made my bed the best I could manage with one arm. The room echoed my movements against the walls reminding me how silent it was. It was odd to think that life didn’t have theme music, but my thoughts seem to always speak volume in the silence. Not today though. I slipped on my sling, and headed down the hall towards the kitchen. Not only did I, but the house seemed eerily quiet today. Not that it was ever loud, but the thick air and choked up feeling every time I would see something of memorial importance to me made my journey to the kitchen a difficult one.

            Once to the kitchen I found it bustling with silent life, consisting of only Chris. He happily sat reading up on the paper while sipping on black coffee. Upon entry he gave me a week smile, and I reflected the same. It was so odd. Everyone seemed so sad. They had no reason though right? Unless they had read my mind, but then it wouldn’t be this quiet. That is unless they didn’t care which was highly doubt full within and of its self.

I headed to the fridge and decided that a depressing attitude was no way to leave any of them behind. I wanted to see them smile. See them laugh. I wanted to see the best of them the last time I could.

            First I poured myself a coffee with two sugars; adding fuel to my inferno of determination. After finishing, I got to work on one heck of a breakfast. I raided the fridge of eggs, meat, and breakfast attire to somehow make anything I could remember that was breakfast in the cook book of my mind.

            Chris seemed puzzled by how lively I was, but my expression melted his uneasy feelings away, and he joined me in cooking. He steadily walked over to me and took the frying pan from my hand. I looked up to him to see a friendly smile, and I returned it in thanks. I then got started on the eggs that sat idly on the counter. Five minutes passed after that before Mat showed.

            “Umm…” he said looking sleepy eyed to the bacon and eggs fiasco. “Should I be concerned?” He pointed to the make-shift plates and pans of food. I smiled trying to hold in a giggle that escaped any ways. His eyes brightened and his look became light-hearted.

            “Just help us get it ready.” I answered turning to a pancake and then flipping it. Mat joined the fun without hesitation, even though he burned anything he touched, so we just let him organize the table; which he did a very good job at.

            The room was alive with smells of morning. It reminded me of Christmas time when my aunt, uncle, and Josh would come over to spend the night for Christmas morning. My mom would always make a grand feast, so being a kitchen helper I picked up a few tips.  Ivan showed up shortly after Mat and he practically became sue chef; flipping away at pancakes, and cracking eggs a mile a minute.

We spent our time together cracking cheap jokes, and telling old stories. I finally spilled the beans about my fetish for rain, and Mat completely understood. Him being a fish I guess I expected he would, but Ivan was dumbfounded not understanding why I would want to be soaked in precipitation. Chris was better at understanding. Rain was a simple joy of mine. Laughter was of the essence and my heart felt like it was going to burst. My stomach was filled with butterflies, and I couldn’t stand how giggly I was. They probably thought I laughed too much, but at the time it didn’t really matter. I hadn’t laughed in ages.

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