Kidnapped, Or As I Like To Call It, Saved -chapter 26-

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Bly’s POV

Memories continued

            My first taste of freedom was soggy and wet. Mist coated the air thick enough to the point that it was uncomfortable to breathe. My eyes peeled open to meet the midnight scenery like a moon flower. Green eyes were the first thing I saw. Katharine’s eyes that contrasted deeply with our dark surroundings. She looked down at me. The most shocked face, anyone could ever muster, played itself across her eyes and pulled at the muscles that shaped her expression.

            We stayed like that for a while. I sat like a dear in headlights; hoping that if I stayed still she would ignore me. I didn’t move; she didn’t move. I wondered why she was bothering to waist so much time on a species I was told she was supposed to hate.

Rain began to break the mist. What little clothing I had was becoming cold and wet, and the ground was becoming harsher and stiff to my body. She turned to leave, as music began to play over a loudspeaker that echoed through the streets. I would know that song today as the national anthem of the demon’s world. She froze once two feet out of the alley, and then turned back to me as a women’s voice blabbered on about a curfew.

She looked back at me with pity. I looked back in hatred. At the time I was infuriated with her look, as if she were looking down to me as a whole person. I felt week. I made my first motions, and stood in defiance. She looked as though she had seen a ghost as she watched me walk towards her. I fell in my efforts. My body felt frozen and stiff, but my head was on fire.

The women’s voice stopped, and she looked to the empty street. First she looked to her left, then right. Before I had any time to object she hoisted me over her shoulder. She carried me as if I was weightless, and to a certain extent from my lack of eating I was.

I wanted to fight back; wanted to keep my freedom, but she had other intentions. She put me down when we entered the lobby of a fancy looking apartment lobby. A bell boy waited at the front desk, and smiled kindly to my saving grace. He gave her a good evening and she returned it with a smile. My arm still was held over her shoulder to support my body weight, so she controlled my every move.

I wanted to stare at anything in sight. I watched the man as he glared daggers at me while we trudged up the stares. I hid my face in fear. Shame I wasn’t so easy to muster, but fear I had had enough to know when to do so and when to be courageous. I shuffled my feet the best I could up each effort-full step. By the time we had reached the floor where she lived, I was asleep again.

She nursed me from my sickness for the next few days after that, and slowly she began to peel away at the walls I had barricaded myself with from demons. I realized that Katharine’s story was some-what like mine. Her brother had been convicted of treason, and was sentenced to death. In a nutshell, she understood me the most in the world at the current moment. She would always tell me that I was her brother’s way of saying hello from the afterlife. I never quite agreed but to see her so happy, was enough to get me to believe I landed in that alley way just for her.

I re-learned how to speak, how to act, how to laugh, and how to live. I had adapted to my environment to the fullest, and Katharine was cheering me on the whole way through. After nine months I worked up enough money in my small job to rent my own apartment. Although Katharine paid thirty percent of the rent the first three months, I managed to get by. I remembered what it was like to breathe again. Although I was alone with myself if it weren’t for Katharine, I was the happiest I had ever been in a long time.

Katharine always told me she was surprised I didn’t cry much over my parents, or makes any emotional fuss at all for that matter over the fact my life had been completely ripped from my hands. I told her one day I would realize my life for what it was, but I couldn’t do that until I had nothing more to look to. When I had succeeded in rebuilding my life, that’s when I would snap. She was surprised I had it planned out, but I have any easy time guessing myself.

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