Kidnapped, Or As I Like To Call It, Saved -chapter 18-

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Bly’s Dream POV


            I slowly walked to my first hour and managed to leave my raincoat behind this time. April showers as they would say. I walked into the room and smiled at the three of them. I noticed the empty spot behind them and frowned in question.

            “Where’s Autumn?” I asked curious as to where she would be. The so called ‘demons’ didn’t do what was promised of them. The real government informed us that everything was under control, but politics had gone to hell practically so the damage on the countries peace of mind had been beyond repair. If anything the government would destroy itself.

            “She took the day off sick.” Michael replied with his nose in a book. My mood dampened slightly like the weather outside.

            “Guess I should stop by after school…” I proposed while putting down my books. “After heading to the garage though. Can I still come?” I turned to Josh, who was currently soaking wet. Josh worked part time at his dad’s garage and he was a bit of a car freak and a good one for as often as they came in Michigan. Ever since he was little cars were all Josh was about. He solemnly looked up at me.

            “Afraid not…” He said and slouched into his seat with a heavy sigh. I raised an eyebrow in question.

            “Why?” I asked curious. He didn’t look back but answered my question.

            “Gas is record high and I can’t afford it. I’m walking home. Damn economy…” he cussed the last part. Him walking would explain why he’s soaking. I felt bad for him so cheering him up was my first effort of being a friend.

            “Well when you get there at least change so you don’t reek of wet dog at home too.” I laughed shoving his head a little and a smile played on his lips. His bright eyes flashed to me and I smiled confidently.

            “Thanks B.” he said calling me by a childhood nickname. My smile widened and my heart fluttered at his now good mood. The bell echoed through the school and I took my seat with pleasure. My mind wandered farther than usual. My eyes couldn’t seem to pull out of looking at the rain and all I could do was stare. The rain was the only thing peaceful anymore besides home life, which was a luxury within itself having my parents not being divorced like a lot of people who suffered the bad hand at. I was one of the lucky. In fact I couldn’t even imagine not having both of my parents under the same roof.

            The rain trailed streaks of water droplets down the clear clean glass window and a feeling of home emitted through the soppy wet scene outside. The rain to me, was my favorite weather. Not that I didn’t enjoy sunshine, but rain had stuck with me ever since I was a little girl.

            Something light sounding plopped in front of me as the teacher went on and on ranting about how crappy the economy was right now, which he would be complaining about even if money, jobs, and barrels of oil were raining from the sky.

            I looked down to the folded piece of paper in the middle of my desk. I looked over to Michael who smiled at me. I scoffed in a laugh and persisted to open it.

            “Is the weather really that interesting there?” it read. I looked to him and he gestured in question I rolled my eyes and ignored him. Rain was rain. I just liked it more than the average person.

            My next hours flew by and I sat waiting in my seat for the lunch bell. My eyes glued to the clock after finishing a test just waiting for the bell to ring. The only noises heard were scribbling pencils and rain against the window.

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