Kidnapped, Or As I Like To Call It, Saved -chapter 30-

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Bly’s POV

            The sound of the rain against the sheet metal of the car, and the asphalt of the road beneath me, drowns out any thoughts. Wind races past my hair, and whatever raindrops manage to escape through the open window, land in my face. The windshield wipers are flailing full blast and bump from side to side in a rhythmic pattern. The rain slips down the window glass like a waterfall for my own keeping, and I try my hardest not to listen to my heart crack an inch every minute.

            ‘I hate you.’

            My mind didn’t want to render it possible. Every time I thought of him standing in the middle of a god forsaken rode screaming words of hatred after me, my mind wanted to scramble into panic and confusion. The rain at this point was the only thing keeping me sain.

            Steady hands on the wheel, I looked back to the map. I was three quarters of the way there, and managed to stay awake the entire time, although the pain in my chest helped mostly with that.

            I nearly had to stop several times in fear of vomiting from my mental stress but managed to push through all things bad around me and run for the hills as I often portrayed as my only method of coping.

            I had to learn that Nero wasn’t my future. Another man in another place in another time was my future. Maybe even no man at all was my future, but Nero was only a chapter in my life. He was gone, and I left him basking in a swelling gather of his own hatred towards me. I felt nausea roll in my stomach and refrained from thinking about it any further.

            The woods were like a twisted tunnel which I had to comb my way through most of the way to the designated meeting spot. Looking back to the map for the millionth time, I squinted hard at one tunnel that lasted for half a mile. Looking back up, I noticed it approaching. I braced myself for the darkness, and almost immediately I was shielded in something of a dream; a long dark tunnel.

It sounded like something you would hear from a moral, and I found that it was far scarier than I had imagined. My fear of the dark had claimed itself reborn for the next five minutes as I struggled through aimless driving. At least I wasn’t being pelted with raindrops anymore. My mind then quarreled back into its distant faze of isolation.

            It was dramatic thinking so, but I felt… numb. All but my heart, felt limp and not willing to move. Like I was… dead or something. I felt the sadness there, but the tears that had once been there for a short moment wouldn’t find their way to my eyes. It was one of those times when I felt inhuman.

            It took only a matter of five minutes. Five measly minutes, before the world seemed to crack open in a light, not quite bright, but translucent and fare. It flickered like fire, and the trapped air movement rushing passed the car on the outside, quieted and was replaced with cracking thunder, and chaotic lightning.

            Leaving the tunnel I heard and saw not only that, but miles of towering mountains that were engulfed in rain and trees that towered over my head. Besides the fact god was wreaking havoc on the land in a rainstorm, The mountains around me were an overwhelming sight. Enormous slabs of rock and dirt that pilled to the high heavens through the weather and the wind. They sat solid still like god’s throne atop the insignificant earth in comparison.

            I felt utterly breathless. The pain in my chest paused for a silent moment in between the thunder and shakes, and a flash of lightning stopped me in my thoughts, and saved me from tumbling off the road. Swerving to the side and the fright still lingering in my body, I looked to the map again.

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