Kidnapped, Or As I Like To Call It, Saved -chapter 17-

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Bly’s POV

Sleep is one of my favorite hobbies. Dreams are a different story. I love dreams, whether they are odd or pleasant. I’m not a fan of nightmares just like the next guy in line, but when memories haunt my sleep; when reality creeps into the depth of my mind and I am shaken and rocked to the core from my real life reaching the abyss of my mind, it truly is something different.


The hard rain on my window sill rocked me awake and my eyes slowly fluttered open to my blue hued room that was color shaded by the colors of the clouds that cascaded in shades of grey through the window. I sucked in a deep breath and shifted positions in my bed. I relaxed into my next position and sighed in pleasure at the soft comfort that enwrapped my body in a cocoon of blankets.

Just before I let my eyes slipped closed, the red digital numbers on my clock caught my attention. I looked at them since they were already facing me and for some reason I felt they held importance. I squinted at them for a moment. They read 7:19 A.M.

My mind hooked two and two together and panic then flooded through my body like nausea. I sat up in my bed so fast that I found myself slightly dizzy at the fast movement and I persisted to tare the sheets off of me even though I was already half way off of my bed. I yanked my door open; practically tarring it off of its hinges in the process.

“Shit…” I grumbled and sprinted down the hall to the bathroom. I knocked on the door and just to my luck it was free and open. I ran in and thanked the heavens that I decided to take a shower last night instead of this morning. I got the tooth paste on the brush and stuck it in my mouth while I smudged on a little make-up since I was going to look grubby with my face not being washed. Only a little make-up though. My hair was a last cause so I twisted it into a messy side braid, and at least took the time to put some deodorant on.

I ran back down the hall with my pants already at my knees. I jumped out of my Pj’s, into a fresh pair of jeans and long-sleeved T-shirt, and grabbed the raincoat that had been carelessly tossed on my spiny chair next to my desk. I slipped on my shoes that sat nice and toasty by my heater before cascading down the stairs and into my kitchen. I poured a sloppy glass of orange juice while my parents calmly grazed the counter with their coffee and news paper.

They looked at me as if I had lobsters crawling out of my ears and then they looked at the clock and laughed.

“Wake up late again?” My father mocked. I scoffed before chugging my Orange juice in one long gulp. I set the cup in the sink figuring I could let it slide this once.

“Kay bye!” I cried heading for the front door.

“Ah ah ah! Glass goes in the dish washer!” My mom called after me. I groaned.

“Mom I’m goanna be late!”

“Dishes!” she protested. I groaned once again and dashed back into the room and threw open the dishwasher door and set the glass on the bottom for my lack of effort. She rolled her eyes but didn’t complain. I smiled with success of annoying her and giggled.

I brushed a kiss onto her cheek before heading to the front door for the second time.

            “Okay by for real!” I shouted out to them.

            “By for real.” They both laughed simultaneously back at me as I grabbed my sketch book that sat waiting next to my umbrella and back pack. I then darted into the pouring rain after yanking my hood onto my head.

I ran over to my bike and shoved my sketch book into my back pack before I hopped onto the seat. I yelped a little at the water soaking through my jeans but tried my best to ignore it. I had already started pedaling while I tried to put up my kick stand and put on my helmet at the same time. Safety first after all.

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