Chapter 6

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Rose sat on her bed, trying to think of a way to approach the task at hand. She wanted to get to the council... ok.. but how? There was no way to know where they were. The council moves weekly so that they can't be found. Every now and then a child wondered across them and went to tell their parent's. The worst case happened in '52 when an explorer found them in a far off forest and took a picture. Most now-a-day fairies are based off of the ones in that picture. Ever since that incident they stopped staying in one spot for too long.

Rose flopped back onto her bed. Maybe someone she knew would know where to find them... She sat up so fast it made the world become spotted with black. Why had she forgotten something as simple as this? She stood up and slipped on her shoes before sneaking downstairs and running out the door. No need to fly, she could just take the bus.

She stood there waiting for what seemed like hours but, in reality, was only half of one. When the bus finally arrived she pulled out her change and put the money into the little box by the driver. She walked to the middle of the bus and sat down, staring out the window. She watched the people blur past the bus. She yawned and leaned her head against the window. This ride was fairly long, and shortly after she closed her eyes, she fell asleep. 

She woke up to someone poking her cheek. When she opened her eyes she looked up and saw a boy with brilliant green eyes trying to wake her up. When he saw her eyes open he smiled. "Sorry to wake you... I just wanted to see if you were alright with me sitting beside you." Rose nodded. "You.. have a British accent..." She cleared her throat. "That's cool- I mean- It's cool... If you sit with me I mean." He chuckled and sat down, holding out his hand. "James, great to meet you." Rose smiled and shook his hand, completely forgetting about what she was supposed to be doing. "Rose.. Charmed to make your acquaintance." 

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