Chapter Ten

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Luckily the next few weeks went rather smoothly. It had been four weeks since I had made the discovery at my previous family home, in that time Lee had been to see William once. In a way I was grateful that I hadn't had to see or be near Lee but on the other hand it wasn't really fair on William. It seemed that Lee was too busy with his whore which meant my little boy was missing out on his Daddy.

The lack of Lee in my life gave me the chance to relax a little. Slowly but surely I began to get my life back on track. I'd already started to look for an apartment for me and William and i now had a job to cover the expenses of running a home. Thankfully when I went back to my old job at the travel agents they were understanding and offered me my old job back. I was so grateful that they didn't dismiss me. Things were starting to come together.

To say I was nervous on my first day back is a bit of an understatement. I hadn't worked since before having William, it was like starting school for the first time! Before I knew it I was back into the flow of things and it felt like I'd never been away. It must have been two weeks after I'd been back when i had an interesting conversation with Sarah the boss on our lunch break

"So Aimee how is the love life going?" she queried.

I genuinely didn't know how to answer, I hadn't even contemplated dating again after all the trouble I'd had with Lee. Surely it was too soon. "Non existent to be honest with you," I admitted. After the heartache of the last two months I was determined to steer clear of men.

"You should be getting yourself back out there. What is the point of hiding away? I'm sure you've not had much adult company lately."

She was right about the lack of adult company. With William to look after I'd hardly had time for myself, never mind time for socialising with grown ups. Don't get me wrong I love him more than anything but he's not much of a conversationalist. My mum and dad were helping out with him too, I just didn't want to rely on them too much or have them think I was taking them for granted. As for Becky, I'd hardly heard from her due to it being finals time at school. Harvey for some reason had been avoiding me, he said he wasn't but there was always some excuse. Surely he didn't think I'd hate him because of Lee did he? I hoped not because that was sure as hell not even close to being true.

"Is it not too soon to be back out there dating?" I asked biting my lip.

"Of course not!" she informed me. "It's not exactly as if you're going to be getting yourself into anything serious is it? There's nothing wrong with meeting new people."

"I'm not too sure," I confessed. "the thought of it scares me if I'm honest."

"Nonsense!" Sarah squealed. "It'd just be dinner with adult conversation, how is that scary anyway?"

Was she right? Maybe meeting new people would be good for me, there was no way I'd be rushing into a relationship. Plus, it didn't take Lee much thought before moving on. It would be good to let my hair down a little.

"I suppose I could," instantly becoming unsure of my decision as soon as the words had left my mouth.

"Perfect!" she grinned. " I know just the person to set you up with!"

I spluttered on the mouth of water I had just taken nearly drenching us both in the process. She already had someone in mind to set me up with? Then again I shouldn't have been surprised, Sarah was someone who liked getting results.

"When?" I asked not wanting to hear the answer.

"Well-" she started. "My cousin's friend has just moved to town and she asked me to find someone for him. He is very handsome, mind you. I'd have snatched him off you if it wasn't for my Ted," she chuckled.

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