Chapter Five

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Sorry about the long wait guys! First there was laptop issues then I just lost the ability to write. This chapter I have been trying to write for about two weeks now but it is finally here. Thank you for waiting! Hope you enjoy, comments will be appreciated :)

Checking myself in the mirror I had to admit I didn’t look half bad- it was probably the two hours I had spent getting ready. Normally I wouldn’t spend that much time getting dolled up but it was the first time I had been out since William had been born so making that extra effort made sense. My pink chiffon dress covered my baby belly well so I was good to go!

“You look beautiful Aimes,” a voice from behind me whispered.

“Thanks Lee. Well I best be off, I won’t stay out too late so I guess I’ll see you later.” I didn’t even look him in the eye. Things were still...difficult to say the least. Grabbing my purse I made a beeline for the door only to be intercepted by Lee’s arm.

“You just be careful Aimee, there are some idiots out there,” he told me sounding concerned.

“I’m sure I’ll be fine Lee. I’ll ring if I’m not coming back here.” This comment only earned me a sigh before Lee moved his arm and let me past.

“Bye then,” he huffed.

In the taxi on the way to Becky’s I reconsidered my last words to Lee before I left. They seemed innocent enough to me there was no need for him to be so god damn moody! He must have known I was on about staying at Becky’s, surely? Just because he couldn’t keep it in his pants didn’t mean that I’d drop my knickers in a flash. Men!

I decided to avert my attention to the night out ahead of me, there was no way I was letting that twonk ruin my night. The night out in question was to celebrate Becky’s thirtieth birthday! She was actually thirty years old! Needless to say she still acted sixteen majority of the time. It was going to be a fantastic night!

Pulling the twenty out of my purse I passed it to the taxi driver before jumping out of the cab.I stumbled up the path trying not to topple over in my colossal heels. Just as I reached the door and prepared myself to knock it flew open to reveal a giggly, obviously tipsy Becky.

“How do I look?” she shouted gleefully.

“Not a day over forty,” I teased which resulted in her eying me scornfully. “Calm down I was joking, you look beautiful, better?” Immediately Becky was grinning again. Some women are so easy to please!

“Anyway bitch, get in here. We need to start drinking,” she informed me before yanking me into her house. “Guess what I’ve got?”

I didn’t even get the chance to answer before I noticed the bottles of green liquid sat on her coffee table. Apple shots? Really? Well I guessed it would be rude to say no so I just grabbed a bottle and started to pour shots.

About ten shots later I began to let my hair down, the alcohol buzz was beginning to grow my stomach and I couldn’t stop laughing, especially not when Becky put on our old ‘pulling CD’ as we had called it. Why she had it still was beyond me. It was a CD we had made when we were still going through college to get us ready for our nights out on the pull.

“Cab?” Becky asked.

“Cab,” I agreed.

“Shots first?” Becky questioned.

“Well I won’t say no!” I laughed.

By the time we rang for the taxi we must have at least drunk nearly a bottle each and lost about ten pounds from all the dancing. The alcohol hit me faster than I’d anticipated which is why I found myself flat on my ass halfway down Becky’s path. In my defence I hadn’t touched a drop of drink since before I found out I was pregnant with William. Then there was the matter of my extremely high heels.

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