Chapter Two

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“Happy birthday William,” I said as I gave him a big kiss on his cheek. Immediately his face lit up and his blue eyes began to sparkle. The cutest little smile formed on his face as he gazed at me lovingly. Looking into his eyes I could only see pure love. He was my little boy and I was his Mommy. That is a bond that is indestructible.

I had to be the luckiest woman on the entire planet. Not only did I have a wonderful husband but I also had the sweetest little boy known to mankind. I would rather have my little family by my side than any amount of riches. Sure we weren’t complete yet; me and Lee were actually trying for a little sister for William. It was still early days but I hoped I’d soon be pregnant again, although I’m not sure I’d be as happy once I was pregnant. It was hard work.

A strong arm wrapped itself around my waist and instantly I felt secure. Turning around I was met by Lee’s smiling face. Gently he kissed my forehead making me sigh in content. I really did have it good. At this point William ran over to Becky lifting his arms up to hint he wanted picking up. Of course she picked him up how could anyone refuse someone so cherub like? My eyes scanned the room taking in all the wonderful friends and family that had joined us to celebrate Will’s first birthday. He was certainly a popular little boy.

My eyebrows raised when I spotted Harvey leant against the wall, he looked furious. His eyes were filled with rage as he stared at Lee stood behind me. If looks could kill Lee would certainly be dead by now, they really were some daggers Harvey was casting his way. I briefly tried to catch his attention before getting dragged off by my mother.

“Aimee isn’t William just a sweetie?” she asked as she shoved an envelope into my hand.

“What’s this Mom?” I questioned before ripping it open. My jaw dropped in amazement as I stared at the cheque in my hand. “A thousand dollars?” I stammered.

“We wanted to start his college fund off,” my Mom stated in a matter of a fact manner.

“But he’s one Mom,” I tried to reason.

“It’s never too early to start saving. Just think of it as a head start from your father and me,” she reassured.

“Thank you!” I exclaimed, as I wrapped my arms around her. My parents could be so sweet at times, this being one of those times.

I spent the next thirty minutes working my way around the room thanking everyone for coming. I received at least ten more cheques, granted they weren’t as much money as my parents’ cheque had been; William was turning into a very rich boy. At this rate we wouldn’t have to pay for any of his college education.

After all the chatting I wanted nothing more than to give him a big cuddle, first I had to find him. Within seconds I found him curled up in a ball on the couch. He looked so peaceful and angelic. I decided to take him to bed; it had been a long day for him. After all it’s not every day that you turn one, is it? Scooping him up in my arms I slowly made my way to his room. As I climbed the stairs I took extra care not to disturb him.

Luckily his bedroom door was open so I was able to take him straight in. Leaning down I placed him in his cot. Brushing a thick blonde curl away from his eyes, I couldn’t help but stare at him. He really was beautiful and I had made him. I thought back to a year ago when Will was first born.

I had been in the kitchen of our old apartment when my waters had broken, I thought things were going to be straightforward I couldn’t have been more wrong. Fifty six hours I spent in agony trying to push William out but he refused to budge. It was almost as if he didn’t want to come out. When he did eventually make an appearance the joy that filled me was undeniable. I had just given birth to a beautiful little boy. To anyone else he may have looked like a pink, wrinkly lump but to me he was the most precious thing in the world. Looking at him brought tears to my ears, tears of joy of course.

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