Chapter Eleven

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Slowly my eyes opened as I tried to take in my surroundings. Where was I? Sitting up too fast made my head pound so I lay back down tempted to go back to sleep. A banging on the door made this impossible. Whoever it was was so inconsiderate; were they unaware that I was the worst hangover known in the history of mankind?

Daring to try again I sat up, much more carefully this time, and looked around the room. The sun was beaming in through the window illuminating the dresser that stood in front of it. Not much decorated the walls except a few picture frames. The one that stood out was a picture of me, Becky and Harvey identical to the one I had on my fridge.

Shit I was still at Harvey's? Looking down it dawned on me I wasn't only at Harvey's, I was in Harvey's bed. Relief washed over me when I realised I was fully clothed and the other side of the bed looked like it hadn't been slept it.

The banging on the door continued with the person on the other side getting more and more impatient. Should I have answered it if Harvey was still sleeping? Thankfully I didn't have to as merely seconds later I heard it open and someone barged in.

My heart froze as I recognised the voice that began to speak. "I've fucked up Harvey. I really have. What do I do?" Lee asked his brother. Fuck! Lee was here! What if he came into the bedroom? I'd just have to stay in there and sit it out till he had gone.

What did he mean he had fucked up? Had he also cheated on his pregnant whore too? I couldn't help but smile to myself, happy to be free of the slimeball!

"Ermm, Lee I wasn't expecting you," Harvey replied not taking heed of what his brother had just said.

"Oh well I'm sorry this is a bad time for you, you know my life is only going down the shitter. I need your help."

"Help?" Harvey scoffed. "Why the hell should I help you after what you've done to my best friend? You've destroyed her life lee, she's got to start all over again cos you can't keep your dick in your pants." Knowing that Harvey had my back definitely made me feel a little bit better.

"That's exactly why I need your help. I've made a mistake. I need Aimee back. I can't live without her. She's my everything. Trish- Well I don't know what I'm doing with Trish she's great but she isn't Aimee." my heart fluttered slightly hearing these words, he did miss me. But I soon snapped out of it.

Was he actually kidding me right now? Things weren't going too well will his piece so he wanted me back. There was no way in hell that I'd be running back to the idiot. I'd given him his chance and he'd blown it, it wasn't my fault.

It was as if Harvey could read my mind. "So because things have gone tits up with Trish you want Aimee back. I really doubt that will happen."

"No they've not gone tits up at all. She's incredibly sexy, amazing in bed and just a great person." I really didn't want to be hearing all this. "She's just not Aimee. Aimee is like that comfortable pair of slippers, she's reliable and there for you. And undeniably beautif-"

This is all Lee managed to say before I stormed into the lounge. "Like a pair of old slippers, really?I gave you the best years of my life, I gave you our son that you've not even mentioned once and that's all you think of me. You want me back because I'm reliable?" I screamed at him unable to hold in the fury that had built up inside of me.

Lee's jaw dropped and his eyes grew wider as he realised that I was actually there and I had heard everything. Then his eyes dropped to take in what I was wearing. Shit I was still wearing the dress from last night. This didn't look good.

"What the fuck is she doing here?" Lee roared his face turning a bright scarlet.

"It's not what it looks like I swear," I reassured him but he didn't even take his eyes of Harvey once. His gaze was locked onto him, his eyes fiery.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2013 ⏰

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