Chapter Six

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My head was pounding as I woke up to the doorbell being rang incessantly. Last night had been fantastic, well the parts I could remember had been but I was definitely paying the price. In fact I could have happily lay in bed all day, if that was an option. Unfortunately for me though, it wasn’t due to my young son and the person who seemed to be addicted to pressing the doorbell. Why the hell hadn’t Lee answered it? I guess I had to do everything.

I sat up in bed too quickly and it felt like my brain had been smashed against my skull. Why had I thought it was such a good idea to drink so much? Did I bump into Jase last night? Answering those questions would have to wait because I needed to ram a doorbell down someone’s throat. I hobbled out of bed and winced in pain. Had I fallen last night? Covering my decency with my dressing gown I made my way out of my room.

“Don’t worry Lee I’ll get that,” I hollered instantly regretting it. I waited for a reply but was met with silence. Typical!

Slowly I made my way down the stairs taking extra care. The bell continued to ring out making my head throb with every note it played. If it was Becky she really was not going to get a warm, morning greeting. Glancing at the table at the bottom of the stairs I noticed a note.


I’ve taken William to the park because it’s such a beautiful day. It will also give you time to recover from last night. Be back after lunch. Love you.

Lee xxx’

It would have been sweet if I didn’t notice that next to the letter on the table were Lee’s keys. So he was the one that rudely awoke me from my slumber by getting button happy. He was going to pay! He knew how grouchy I could be when I had a hangover yet he still made idiotic mistakes.

“Lee how daft can you be forgetting your keys? You’d forget your head if it wasn’t screwed on,” I started as I opened the door. Much to my surprise, it wasn’t Lee stood there. Instead an attractive, blonde stood where he should be, in vest and sweats.

“Ermm…hi. Can I help you?” I queried. I had no idea who this girl was. I prayed to God it wasn’t anyone from last night coming for an altercation. Well I couldn’t exactly remember the events of the previous night so it could have been a possibility.

“Hi. Yeah I’m Trish. Is Lee in?” she asked eagerly trying to peer over my shoulder.

“Lee? No he’s not; he’s out with our son at the park. Is there anything I can help you with?” Well at least then I knew it wasn’t someone for me.

“Oh he’s not. Right I’ll come back later then,” she murmured as her eyes began to well. It was quite an odd reaction to someone not being in.

“Are you okay?” I asked.

She didn’t respond verbally just shook her head as the tears began to roll down her cheeks. “Why don’t you come in? I’m sure he won’t be too long.”I opened the door wider and ushered her inside.

I led her to the living room and we both sat down. Just as we did the phone rang so I excused myself rushing to get it as quickly as I could manage.

“Aimes!” Becky shrieked down the phone.

“Becky not so loud my head is pounding so I’d appreciate the volume levels being kept to a minimum please.”

“Never mind that, you. Where the hell did you disappear to last night? Can you believe that stripper was Jase? I mean oh my gosh!”

“I know tell me about it! And I…ermm…had a few drinks with Jase,” I mumbled.

“You did what?!” Becky screamed nearly bursting my eardrum in the process.

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