Chapter Three

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“So, because I was never supposed to find out it makes it okay?” I screeched at Lee.

How could he do this to me? What happened to loving me and never having eyes for anyone else? Things were going right and he decided it wasn’t enough; he needed to sleep with some tramp. To say I was annoyed was a bit of an understatement. At that moment in time I wanted nothing than to wrap my hands around his scrawny little neck and squeeze with all my might. I could feel my blood bubbling in my veins, as the rage began to boil.

“It was a thing that happened once. I swear Aimee, believe me!” he pleaded his eyes filled with guilt.

“When?” I asked him.

He didn’t reply it was as if he refused to look at me, instead he looked down to the floor. In my heart I didn’t want to hear the sordid details but deep down I needed to know.

“If you don’t tell me I’ll just ask Harvey,” I told him.

“Aimes please. Can’t we forget about this? We’ve got a nice life here haven’t we? We’re happy?”

“We were happy. How do you expect me to just forget that you fucked some tart? Now tell me when?” I hissed. I had to know the truth even if it killed me.

“We were going through a rough patch. William was only a few months old. You grew distant I didn’t know what to do-”he explained.

“So you thought sleeping with someone else would make things better?” I scoffed. Seriously? A little bit of a rough patch and he was ready to hop into bed with the first skank that appeared! I had given him my all and this was how he repaid me?

“It wasn’t like that at all. I just went for a few drinks with Marcus from work one night. We ended up getting drunker than initially planned. The next morning I woke up in some random girl’s bed and I’ve regretted it since.”

“And Harvey? How did he know?”

“He asked to use my phone and he must have seen the texts she sent me. Honestly babe I just wanna forget about this. Can’t we forget about this stupid mistake? I love you more than anything.”

“If you did then you wouldn’t have fucked things up,” I said through gritted teeth as tears began to well in my eyes. I didn’t even want to look at him. Just the thought of him with someone else made me sick to my stomach.

I didn’t know what to do. Stood before me was the man who had promised me everything and made me so unbelievably happy over the years, yet he had broken my heart. Could I live the lie and pretend that nothing had happened? Would I ever be able to trust him again? Or would it be best for me to call it quits and walk away? It wasn’t just me that would be affected by my decision; I had to think about William too. If I walked way he wouldn’t get the perfect little family life. Would it be fair to take him from his Daddy? If I did stay it wouldn’t be fair on him though, his parents at each other’s throats. My mind was buzzing as I tried to work out what was for the best.

“Aimes what are you thinking about? You’re biting your lip, what’s wrong?”

“What’s wrong? You actually have the audacity to ask me that?” I laughed. What was wrong was the fact that my husband of two years, who on our wedding day had ‘pledged his faithfulness’ had broken his ‘pledge’. Till death do us part my ass!

“Aimes, please. I’ll do anything to make it up to you.”

Unable to listen to his begging, I turned and began to leave the room. I raced up the stairs, eager to start my packing; there was no way I could stay under the same roof as him. I’d end up serving a murder sentence if I did. I grabbed a suitcase as I entered the room and began throwing my clothes into it.

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