Chapter Eight

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Once again sorry for the wait. I must say I njoyed writing this chapter, it took a different direction than I intended but hopefully you'll still enjoy :) Please comment :)

A whole week had passed since I had last seen Lee. Of course he had tried calling, texting and visiting; I avoided him like the plague. I knew that I would have to face him eventually; I was just putting it off for as long as possible.

Unfortunately for me, I couldn’t stay away forever; even though that was exactly what I wanted to do. If it hadn’t been for William constantly asking where his Daddy was I wouldn’t have been stood in front of my former home. Should I knock? Or should I let myself in? I wasn’t really aware of the usual protocol in this kind of situation. In the end I didn’t have to do either as the door opened before me.

“Hurry up babe. I’ll be waiting in the car,” a blonde woman called behind her. My eyebrows rose as she turned to face me with an 'oh'.

“Trish?” I asked unable to utter anything else as the tears stung my eyes. So he had already moved her in? It hadn’t even been a week yet I had already been replaced. “Is my husband in?” I asked, adding extra emphasis to the word husband.

“Lee!” Trish shouted the panic clear in her voice. She couldn’t even look me in the eye; instead she chose to stare at her feet. Her feet which were in my, yes my, Laboutins. “I don’t want any trouble,” she said her voice barely a whisper.

Lee arrived precisely at that moment, his smile wide as he wrapped his arm around Trish’s waist. Upon noticing me he swiftly moved his hand and his eyes were flooded with guilt.

“I was hoping we could talk,” I told him directly, adding “In private,” for the benefit of Trish.

Thankfully, she got the hint and piped up “I’ll just be in the car. Waiting.” Lee’s eyes didn’t leave mine as she walked away.

“Come in Aimes. Sorry I mean Aimee,” he corrected himself. Cautiously I stepped inside shutting the door behind me. I didn’t really know what to expect. He had already moved his piece in, maybe any trace of my existence had been removed too. Much to my surprise the room had remained the same, not one single thing had changed. Well so I thought until I spied something on the mantelpiece. The photo frame I had smashed a week prior was in a new, sparkling frame.

“So how have you been?” I asked wanting to break the silence. I didn’t even care how he was, in fact I couldn’t care less, but I had to at least keep a civil tongue.

“So, so. What about you? How is William doing?” he queried seeming genuinely interested.

“So, so?” I questioned. “You looked pretty happy to me, but then again what do I know? You’re pretty good at pretending to be happy,” I seethed before reminding myself that I had intended on being polite. Hurt flashed in Lee’s eyes which made me want to apologise. I didn’t though. It was only the truth and he sure as hell deserved it.

“I am sorry you know,” he told me. I actually had to fight back the laughter. He actually thought sorry was going to cut it? Not a chance! I would have told him so but I wasn’t there for another bitching session. There were important matters at hand that needed to be discussed.

“I’m not here for that, so stop with the apologies please. We need to talk about William and the-” I stopped unable to believe the next word I was about to say “Divorce.”

Lee’s eyes widened and his mouth opened, but no words materialised. It was as if he couldn’t quite find the words to say. Eventually he managed to utter “Is that really necessary?”

I was astounded to say the least! Was it ‘really necessary’? Damn right it was! He was the one who had already moved his bit on the side in, yet he still had the audacity to suggest a divorce wasn’t part of the plan. Lee had made his bed now he just had to lie in it. I just had to word my thoughts a little more delicately as the last thing I wanted was for another fight to break out.

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