Chapter One

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“You’re doing it all wrong! That bit doesn’t go there,” I huffed. I mean seriously how hard was it? Blokes are meant to be good at D.I.Y.

“I’m trying! What more do you want?” Lee sighed as he threw down the screwdriver.

Instantly, it bounced off the partly assembled cot which then crashed to the ground. A thick silence hung in the air as we both stared gobsmacked at the mess in front of us. A deep roar of laughter escaped my lips as the initial shock wore off.

“It didn’t look like that on the box!” I spluttered as I wiped away my tears.

“I think it looks better that way!” he managed to say through stifled laughter.

“Drink?” I offered before heading out of the nursery. As I made my way through the apartment that had become our home over the last two years I couldn’t help but smile to myself. I really had everything that I wished for. Eventually I waddled to the kitchen and made my way to the fridge. Pulling open the fridge I grabbed myself a bottle of water and a beer for Lee. Slamming the door shut a photo on the fridge caught my eye. Three smiling teens beamed down at me. The picture had been taken on the day of graduation and me, Becky and Harvey couldn’t have been more estatic to see the end of our imprisonment in high school. It certainly showed in the picture.

I placed the drinks down on the counter and proceeded to pull out my phone. Just as I began to dial a number it rang.

“Howdy!” Becky sang.

“Hey Becky, I was just about to ring you,” I told her as I leant against the kitchen counter. I could feel the little Barton baby wriggling around.

“Well aren’t I just fantastic?” she asked whilst laughing.

“Mmm could say that. So how are things?” I asked genuinely. Me and Becky were still best friends but we didn’t get to see each other as much as we used to. Then again that’s what happens when you move to the next town over.

“Yeah they’re okay. Work is a bit crap, but when isn’t it? Who knew being a teacher would be such hard work?” she sighed.

“Well you chose to return to good old McKinley. So stop your complaining,” I said teasingly.

“Guess who I saw the other day?”

“Do enlighten me. I’m sure you’re gonna anyways,” I giggled. Becky was still a lover of gossip that was one thing she was never going to grow out off. Over time I had learned to accept this, I had to after all she was my best friend. Plus it was handy when finding the ins and outs at McKinley.


“Thomas. As in?” Over the years I had meet a number of people called Thomas so being vague wasn’t exactly much help. Especially with my goldfish memory that had plagued me since getting pregnant.

“Thomas. Valentino’s Thomas,” she replied as if she was stating the obvious.

“Oh yeah. How is he? So anything else of interest happened?” I questioned wanting to change the subject.

“Yeah he’s good. Married now. With...wait for it...five children!”

Five children? Was she being serious? Well he had seriously been busy, and possibly very drunk. I mean five children at twenty eight years of age? He was much braver than me. Personally I was a little scared about my own impeding childbirth. In fact, I was petrified. Of course I knew it would be worth it in the end but it still scared me shitless.

“You alright baby?” Lee asked from me behind me.

“Guess whose back in town?” Becky asked obviously eager to tell me.

“Becky can we carry on this conversation later please? I’ve gotta go now. Love you. Bye.”

“Love you. Bye,” she repeated. Even though we were both approaching our dreaded thirties our little phone tradition had stuck.

“Becky?” Lee asked before taking swig straight from the bottle of water. My carton bottle of water.

“Hey!” I shouted trying to take it from him. “You are stealing from your baby, just so you know.” When I was unable to grab it off him I began prodding him as hard as I could.

After only two minutes he passed it over and held his hands up in defeat, “Okay. Okay I surrender!”

His arms enveloped me pulling me into a hug. A sigh of content passed my lips as I leant my head against his chest. His heartbeat filled my ears and calmed me instantly. I honestly could not be happier with my life, I had everything I wanted and needed. In his arms I felt so secure like nothing could hurt me. I could have stayed there forever and I would have done, if it wasn’t for the sudden wet liquid that trickled down my leg.

“L-L-Lee I think my waters have just broke,” I stuttered unable to say anything else.

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