Chapter 23!

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Sam's POV:

Today's the day. Today's the day my happily ever after begins. After Jess, which I know was a really long time ago, I didn't think I'd ever be happy again. I was scared to love someone again, scared they'd get hurt and I wouldn't be able to protect them, like Jess and a child, the thought didn't even occur to me because i was a hunter and I didn't want to put my child trough what I went through. But now today, today is going to be one of the happiest days of my life, the other when our son is born.

"Hey Sam you up, we gotta be at the place for 1!" Dean called.

"Yeah, I'm up!" I called back. I herd him walk up the Stairs and u heard him open the door. I stayed at his house, Riley stayed at our house with the girls. Lisa's still in the wedding, Dean doesn't know that yet. Jo's standing now too and I got Riley's brother, George, also standing. Garth came up too just for the wedding, he's not standing though.

"Hey bro, you nervous?" Dean asked me as he sat on the edge of the bed.

"No, j have no reason to be nervous. Today is one of the best days fog my love. Today I get my happy ever after with the women of my dreams." I said confidently. Dean nodded and hugged me.

"I'm happy for your bro. I really am." He said. I nodded.

"Thanks Dean." I said and he left the room and walked back downstairs, I sat there smiling and followed him down. All my men were there. Dean, Ben, Adam, Cas, Kevin, Ash and George. Plus Garth, Riley's dad, Sylvester, my dad and Bobby.

Riley's POV:

I just woke up. My mom, my nan, my aunt and Savannah are all here. Slog with the rest of my bridesmaids, Taylor, Krissy, Claire, Jo, Lisa, Jodi and Charlie are here too. Plus the rest of the girls and Charlie and Katie's twins (Hayden and Kieren) and Oliver.

I can't believe I'm getting married today. It seems like another world when I met Sam. My life has been amazing ever since I've met him. He's the love of my life and my best friend. I couldn't imagine my life without him and now we have a child on the way and I love him so much it hurts.

"Hey Riley we gotta get going, hair appointments at 10." Taylor said coming into my bed room. I nodded and I smiled.

"Are tou nervous?" She asked me. I shook me.

"No. Today is going to be perfect." I said and she nodded.

I got up and all my girls and my family were downstairs eating breakfast.

It wasn't a half hour later we were gone out the door to get all glammed up for the biggest day of my life!!

~Time Skip to the actual wedding~

Third person POV

"Sam, that's our Que.." Dean said walking over to Sam ad patting him on the back. He nodded and he walked out, followed by Dean, then Adam, then Cas, then Ben, then George, then Garth then Kevin, and then Ash. And then little Oliver stood in front of George.

"Okay I think we're ready to begin." The minister said, Sam nodded and smiled. He smiled back.

The music started to play and the bridesmaids began to walk out one by one. Everybody stood up.
First Jodi, then Lisa, then Savannah, then Claire, then Jo, then Charlie, then Krissy and then Taylor. Hope walked out throwing rose petals at everyone.

Then the bridal chorus started to play and Riley and her dad and her mom began to walk down the isle. She was beautiful.

She walked down the isle so elegantly. Her parents both crying. She reached the altar and her mom kissed her check and her dad did the same. He then placed her hands in Sam's and walked to his seat.

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