Chapter 22!

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Dean's POV;

"Dean can I talk to you?" Lisa asked walking into the living room. I nodded and gestured for her to sit down across from me. She looked worried. She had something in her hand. She looked st me.

"What is this?" She asked me,, handing me the small black box, containing a diamond ring.

"I was gonna give it to you." I said. Did she not want to marry me? I thought it was gonna be happily ever after? What changed?

"Dean it's beautiful but I don't deserve it." Lisa said. I shook my head.

"Lisa what's going on? There's something on your mind, I know you." I said gently rubbing her arm and I softly kisses her lips. She smiled at me an kissed me back.

"You wanna take this upstairs?" I asksed her, she nodded. I picked her up bridal style and carried to the bedroom.

"Lisa, what is it?" I later asked again, when she was tracing her finger across my bare chest. She looked up at me with tears in her eyes. Oh god, she's leaving me isn't she? I stared to worry.

"Dean, I'm truly sorry. What I did was horrible, and I don't know why I did it, I just wanted you to love me." She cried and Just rubbed her back gently to try and calm her down.

"what is it? You can tell me anything?" I asked softly. She looked at me.

"I lied." She said finally.

"About what?" I asked.

"I'm not Hope's mother. I paid the people at the hospital to do that for me and j brought it to you! Me and Jo had a little falling out a while back and I wanted to hurt like she hurt me and you were the only way I knew how to hurt her. I dint mean to hurt you or Hope or Ben. Dean, j do love you, but I couldn't keep this a secret any longer. I'm sorry." She said, fulling crying. I just stayed there, frozen. I just held her in my arms. I do feel sorry for her, but she lied to me. I just don't know what to do.

"Lisa, I love you." I said. I do love her, she's my one true Love and I don't want to loose her, ever.

"Dean, listen to me, I love you too, but I'm not with you for the reasons you think, just to hurt Jo, who your in love with too. Go talk to her Dean. Get her back!" She said. I shook my head.

"What about Hope? Ben?" I demanded, getting. Angry. I know she may not be Hope's biological mother, but she sure as hell was her mother the last couple months! Hope's gonna be devastated as how to to explain this to a little girl. Ben will hard enough to explain too.

"Just tell them that I had to away." Lisa said, still crying. She got up and got dressed. She grabbed a suitcase and filled it up. An hour later she was gone. I didn't know if I'd ever see her again and right I don't care. She broke my heart, bad enough, but she hurt my children, the bitch can go to hell for all I care.

Lisa's POV:

What I just did was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. I know I hurt him, I'm hurting my self. I feel bad for leaving him to tell Hope and Ben himself, but I couldn't take it anymore. I can't be tied down, I need to live my life. But, Dean and the kids deserve to be happy and I destroyed their happiness so I need to make it right for everyone.

I walked up the driveway to talk to the other person I've hurt and try to make amends with her too. I knocked. Jo answered the door and tried to slam it in my face again. I put my foot in the door and stopped her.

"Jo, please listen to me." I said. She didnt say anything, but after a couple minutes she opened the door and let me in. I walked in and sat to the table, she sat across from me.

"Talk." She said. I nodded and Cleared my throat.

"I'm leaving. I did something terrible,  I lied. I'm not Hope's mother. I left dean and kids. I hurt them. Dean looked so broken earlier." I began. Jo just looked at me.

"Why tell me this?" She demanded.

"E needs you. Dean, he loves you. He might not want to admit because he's scared to really love anyone. He loved me, I know he did, but he's in love with you, Jo and he doesn't know how to deal with it, so he's gonna push you away, he's hurting and he needs you. Be there for him, don't let him push you away because eventually he's gonna break and he's gonna need you. Please forgive him. Don't forgive me, hate me, fine, but forgive him. He needs you and his kids need you. Please!" I begged. I was crying by the end of my speech, Jo was crying too.

"Thank you." She said. I nodded. She hugged me.

"I'm sorry you felt that you needed to do that." She said , I shook my head.

"Don't be sorry, there's no excuse for what I've done. Just be there for him. Take care of him, okay?" I said. She nodded. I hugged her again and walked bake to my car and drove away. Leaving them all behind me.

Deans POV:

I called Sam after Lisa left. He was on his way over. I needed to talk before I see Hope and Ben.

"Dean? You home?" I heard him call.

"Yeah! I'm in the living room!" I called back. Sam walked into the room and sat next to me.

"Hey, Dean what's wrong?" He asked, my eyes were still puffy and I don't cry. Ever.

"Lisa's gone." I told him, he looked confused.

"Okay, your hearts been broken before, Dean." He said, I shook my head.

"She lied, Sam. She's not Hope's mother. She lied, she made me fall in love with her again, my kudus too, we were happy, then today she comes Clean and hurts us and then she just leaves. I have no idea how to breaks this to my kids, Sam. What do I do?" I said as I starred to cry again. He just hugged me and j cried in his shoulder.

"You tell them the truth." He said. I nodded.

"thanks bro, I needed this." I said. He nodded. Then he got up and left.

A little while later j heard Hope and Ben come through the door. She ran to me and hugged me. I picked her up and hugged her tight. I hugged Ben too.

"Daddy, were you crying?" Hope asks me. I sit her down on my knee and Ben sits next to me, I put my arm around him too. They both look at me.

"Dad, what's wrong?" He said, almost crying too.

"Your morhers gone, kids. She left us and she's not coming back." I said and I started to cry too. Hope looked st me and she cuddled into my chest and cited, Ben too. I hugged them both.

"Daddy, don't you ever levee me." Hope said to me. I nodded.

"I promise. I will never ever levee you guys." I said and u hugged them and Held them both tight.

Jo's POV:

I decided to go talk to Dean. I'm in his driveway, trying to get the courage to knock.

After about 10 minutes j finally walk up to the door and knock. A few seconds later Dean answers the door. He looks at Me, I can see in his eyes how broken he is.

"Jo?" He asks, j nod.

"What do you want!?" He yelled st Me. I was taken by surprise at that, but I brushed if off.

"I'm here for you. Lisa came to me and told me everything, Dean I'm sorry. I'm here for you. And don't worry about anything, I forgive you. I just need you to let me be there for you." I said, breaking down. He just looked at me and then he slammed the door in my face. I heard him walk away. Then he turned off all the lights and I was left outside, alone in the dark, crying. I could feel my heart slowly breaking again.

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