Chapter 11

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Hopes first christmas

Deans POV:

I can't believe it's Hopes first Christmas already. Sams bringing his new girlfriend, Riley, to the house also I found my own house so I'll be moving in after New Years. Katie and me decided that it was best to stay friends. Hope loved her, so she still comes and visits her every once in a while. Sam got an apartment nearby because he started college again. Law school. Cas drops in every now and again as well as Charlie, she's hopes godmother and sam is her godfather. I'm hoping Cas and Charlie will show up again soon, Hope hasn't seen them in a while and I think she's starting to miss them.

"Daddy!" I hear Hope call. It's been almost 4 months after Hope was 6 months old and she is talking quite a bit now. She says 'daddy', 'sammy', 'cas', bobby', 'yes', 'no', 'charlie' and some other random things. Her favourite word is no. She hasn't swore yet, but she is my daughter after all so I'm suspecting it to come at any time,

It's only 3 days until Christmas, I got all of Hopes presents wrapped and ready to put out in under the tree, I never celebrating Christmas as a kid and i feel Hope should not have to grow up the same way I did, and she won't, not If I can help it.

"Yeah baby?" I ask her.

"Sammy!" She yells as she looks beyond me. I turn around to see sam standing there with a bundle of presents in his arms.

"Hey Dean. Merry Christmas!" Sam said all cheery.

"It's not Christmas yet, bitch."

"Shut up, jerk."

"Anyways what do you got in the bag?" I ask curiously as I lay hope down in her playpen.

"Presents for Hope. Also I got you a Santa suit."


"So you can dress up for hope on Christmas Eve."

"No way in hell am I wearing that. Right Hope? Daddy look silly." I say as I turn my gaze toward my daughter.

She looks at me and smiles, "bitch" she says in the middle of her baby babble. I'm flabbergasted. Did she just say what I think she said?

"Sam did you hear that too?"

"Yeah Dean, I heard it."

"Hope, sweetie, listen to daddy, that's a bad word and I don't ever want to hear you say it again. Understand?" I say sweetly but sternly. She looks up at me and starts to tear up, I pick her up and cradle her close.

"Swarry." She mutters through sobs.

"It's okay, baby, just don't say it again."

"Dean, I have an idea. Give to her Cas and come with me." Sam says gesturing to the door where Cas stood.

I walked over to Cas and handed him Hope. As soon as she say him her little blue eyes lit up like a christmas tree.

"Hello Hope. Did you miss me?" Cas said as sweetly as possible. It was kind of funny seeing Cas with a baby, but it was even funnier when he first meet Hope. He was so awkward, but now he loves her just like she loves him.

"What did you want, Sam?" I ask him. He smiles and hands me a bag. I open it and I groan.

"I'm not wearing this." I state and throw the bag across the room.

"Why not?"

"Because I'm not dressing up like some freak!"

"Do it for Hope! You made her cry!"

"Hope won't even remember this when she's older, so what's the point? She's already fine anyways."

"Come on, Dean we'll take pictures and when she's older we'll show her. It'll be fun." Sam argues. I guess I should do it, it's for Hope and if you haven't notice I'll do anything for her.

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