Chapter 9

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Sams POV:

Where am I? I don't know what's going on! I don't know where I am! Where's Dean? What happened? I have to get out of here! Why can't I see? Everything's black, I need to open my eyes!

I open my eyes and I see Dean asleep in the chair to my right, with hope asleep in her playpen in the corner of the room. How long has he been here?

"Dean." I say so quietly I can barely hear myself. Well, apparently I wasn't as quiet as I thought because Deans eyes fluttered open and he was by my side in a millisecond.

"Sammy?" He asks in a horse voice. "Your awake."

"Dean, what happened?"

"Yellow eyes possessed you, it took Hope and you shot yourself to save Hope. I found you unconscious on the floor bleeding to death from you side in an old building." Dean explained. Okay, I'm okay , but about Hope?

"Hope? Is she-?" He was cut off by Dean before he could finish his sentence.

"Hopes fine. She's in her playpen, she'll be waking up any second." Dean says as he gestures to the corner of the room where a playpen lies and a little girls giggles coming from it.

Dean walks over and picks her up.

"Hey babe, uncle sammys awake. I think he wants to see you." Dean says to her as he walks across the room and places the baby on my lap. She immediately smiles at me and I smile back.

"Hey Hope. Did you miss me?" I coo. She giggles and I laugh. Man, I love my life.

"Come on Hope, let's go get some lunch while uncle Sammy rest up."

"What anything sammy?" Dean asks me as he exits the room, Hope in his arms, waving at me. I wave back.

"No thanks. I'm just going to take a nap."

"Alrighty. We'll see you in a little bit. I'll call Bobby and let him know your awake."


It wasn't long after that I drifted off to sleep.

Deans POV:

"Let's get you some cereal and me a bacon cheeseburger." I said to hope as i pulled into a drive thru of some random take out place.

"Hi, can I have a bacon cheeseburger combo with fries and a coke to drink? And also can I have a small milk?" I ask.

"Would that be all?"


"That's 10.48$ at the next window."

"Thanks." I said as he pulled out my wallet and drove up to the next window.

"10.48$ please." The person at the window said.

"Here you go." I said as I passed her the money.

"Drive to the next window to pick up your meal." She said as she handed me a recipcit and a flirty smile. I smiled back. I took the recipcit and saw she had written a phone number on it. 'Well she was into me.' I thought to myself.

I drive a little further and pull off on the side of the road by the highway leading back to the hospital. I quickly eat my burger and fries and chug my drink, then I get out and mix hopes cereal and grab her from her car seat and start feeding her. She looks up at me with those bright blue eyes that gave my life meaning and smiles and gurgles something in her baby babble. I smile in reply.

"I love you, Hope. And I'll always protect you and be here for you. I'll never you. Don't forget that." I say to my little girl that has fell asleep in the comfort and security of my arms. I think she feels safe in my embrace, she always sleeps best when she's in my arms. It's like I'm her security blanket and I never in a million years thought I would love that thought. But now, I wouldn't change a thing. I kiss her forehead and lay her back in her car seat, buckle her up and drive back to the hospital.

*sorry this was just a filler chapter! More to come soon. Hopes first birthday will be in the next couple chapters and then I'll be skipping years pretty fast until she's a teenager and then we'll see where it goes.*

Thanks for being so loyal and patient readers! More to come soon, I promise.

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