Chapter 11-Training

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Everybody goes silent as Dave lets go of Samuel. The symbol is still shining upon him and the golden aura is gone. He returns to himself and falls down, totally asleep.

Dave wakes up in his bunk bed. He groans as his head hits the side of the bunk bed. He staggers down the ladder and opens the door. Campers were already getting ready for the day. Dave struggles to stand up and he leans on the door. He sees Joshua, Deborah, and Samuel walking towards him. "Hey Dave, are you feeling any better?"

"My head's killing me."

I see you're still having trouble walking. Your health should be good in about 2 hours."

Joshua reaches for something and it's a stone. "The stone has been alive for years. It has waited for you to come."

Joshua gives him the stone with the star of David. He examines it, feeling the smoothness. "Thanks Mr. Joshua."

"Oh just call me Josh."

Dave smiles and feels Samuel helping him up. Joshua motions for Samuel to move and Joshua helps him. "Let me show you around. Deborah and Samuel, you may leave."

Both of them leave and Dave is stuck with Josh. He shows him the front gates.

"These gates keep the bad stuff from coming inside here. there's a cloud that surrounds this camp from being seen."

'Then why do you need the gate," ask Dave.

"Sometimes there's a flaw and the evil forces manage to creep their way inside. A couple of times we had to relocate to different locations."

Dave looks beyond the gates. "What's out there?"

Josh quietly says, "You'll learn all of that stuff with Debbie. Moving on now."

He introduce some of the campers, the activities, and even the cabins.

"These cabins you see are for those who earn it during the Fighting tournament."

"Fighting tournament?"

"During the week of the celebration of the noobs you guys get ready for the training next week to prove you can fight in the tournament. If you are shown worthy of completing the tournament you have the privilege to belong in your cabin."

Dave lets go of Josh and begins to walk. "I'm good now."

"Let's take a break. You have the whole day off but tomorrow its training."

Joshua shakes hands with Dave and leaves to do important tasks. Dave feels a tap on his shoulder and sees Sheba behind him. "Well look who's out of bed."

Dave smiles and walks with Sheba to the lunch pavilion. They sit down and order lunch. "Wait a minute. What time is it?"

"12:00 p.m. You were knocked out for a while huh?"

"Yeah. I guess so. So what kind of training will I have to be doing?"

"Sword-fighting, running, one on one combat, knife fighting, defense, good strategies, survival, and etc..."

"They expect me to do all of that?"

"We've all done it. Stop me a wuss and become a man."

Dave shakes his head but decides to drop the subject. Their order came and Dave eats his chicken sandwich while Sheba eats her salad. "Do you know about the evil forces out there?"

"Why yes I do. We fought them together right?"

Dave remembers the events that took place. He remembers the death of Carl and the Arekmons. He stops eating and remembers the death of his parents. The fire blazing in his mind. Dave grips his sandwich tightly. Sheba gently touches his arm to indicate that his thoughts could through his actions. Dave calms down and sees several of the noobs already training.

He sighs as he gets up leaving Sheba to several of her friends. He reaches the front gates and looks out. Looks like this is the end of a normal life, Dave thinks. He touches the gates and returns back to his cabin. Deborah sees him touching the gates and sighs.

"Do you think we should give him the box before he decides to cause trouble," asks Deborah turning around to face Joshua.

Joshua is sitting down looking at the newspaper.

"We'll wait. When he feels like he can't do anything, we'll hit him with this box and he'll finally realizes what a prophecy child means."

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