Chapter 47-Supernatural strength

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Sheba runs with supernatural speed. I have sprinted 10 miles and I'm not even tired! Sheba is in awe with all of this power but at the same time, she's frighten of it. The only thing that kept her sane was Elisa and his "magical powers". I mean of course he's a descendant but something about him wasn't right.

Elisa kept up with her by riding a Syrian bear. "You know, for someone that has been changed into a ruthless fly like killing machine infected, you still look cute."

Is he trying to—?

"Don't take it the wrong way. I was just saying that for comfort."

Thanks? Sheba shakes her head, focusing on the real problem. This sky is getting darker and soon, the infected will take over.

Suddenly a sharp pain in her brain forces her to fall and scream. Elisa gets off of the bear and runs towards her but something stops him. A humanoid slams into him and picks up Sheba. "You're coming with me, darling."

But Sheba slams her foot into its face and claws at its face. Elisa tackles it from behind and the bear claws at the humanoid.

"Sheba run!"

But Sheba doesn't run. She walks up to the bear and pushes it off of the humanoid. Then she picks up Elisa with one hand and throws him away. Elisa hits the ground and looks as Sheba walks to the humanoid.

"I see that you were not messed with. Come on, we must meet the master."

Sheba looks at Elisa and gives him a wink before following the humanoid.

The lions and Angelica reach Elisa and Angelica says, "Hey, get up? Where's Sheba?"

Elisa slowly gets up and smiles. "It seems now that she's on her own. Come on. I think I know where we can save the day."

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