Passion and Anger

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        Henry barged through the doors of the Queens outer chamber startling Anne's ladies-in-waiting whom all dropped to their knees as their King strode across the room to the Queen's privy chamber. Henry pulled open the doors to find Anne asleep in bed, propped up with a small throw of pillows around her. Lady Nanette "Nan" Sullivan and Elizabeth "Bess" Hollands sat nearby talking softly and knitting. The two ladies bowed before exiting, closing the doors behind them, leaving King and Queen alone.

         Henry drank in the sight of his lovely sleeping wife and queen. She looked radiant. Her dark brunette hair lay around her, her gorgeous tanned skin off set by her blush pink sleeping chemise. Oh how he loved this stunning woman. Henry sat down in a chair next to Anne's bed, lightly caressing her sleeping face. Henry moved his hand down to rest on her large stomach. ' I don't recall Anne ever being this large with child before, nor was Catherine ever this large.' Henry thought to himself as he gently rubbed Anne's belly. Henry chuckled to himself, he remembered the last time they had a physical relation vividly with great fondness despite the amount of alcohol he had had. He had held a masquerade in honor of the new French ambassador. 

         He remembered how stunning and ravishing Anne had looked that night. She had worn a brilliant red gown trimmed with cloth of gold and ermine. A sparkling ruby and gold tiara glittered on her head. The large heart shaped ruby Henry had given her as a wedding present glittered around her lovely slender neck. Anne looked every inch the Queen she was. He remembered how both Anne and himself had drunk much too much ale and wine that night, and had stumbled drunk into Anne's bedchamber, pulling clothes and jewels off each other before giving into the passion between them. Henry was pulled from his memories when Anne began to stir, turning over onto her side to face him before settling back to sleep. Henry smiled at his lovely wife and Queen, ashamed at himself that he had thought to annul his marriage to her after waiting and fighting for years to be able to marry her.

          Angry at himself for wanting to divorce this brilliant witty woman for an ambitious shrew like Jane Seymour. Henry gently caressed her cheek and played with her long deep brown locks. "Oh Anne" Henry muttered to himself as he took one of Anne's hands in his, kissing it. " Oh my sweet lovely Anne. How could I have been so cruel to you. I'm so sorry my sweetheart. I swear to you Anne, no more mistresses. No more secrets. I'm going to be a better husband to you. I swear this to you Anne. I will treat you the way you deserve sweetheart." Henry placed a short kiss on her lips before his eyes fell onto Anne's large belly once more. ' I should have the physicians look over her in the morning, just to be safe.' he thought to himself as he stood and gently placed a sweet kiss on Anne's temple before quietly leaving her chambers and walking to his own quarters to retire for the night. 

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