Sweet Sisters

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It had been a week since Mary and Kitty had come to court. Anne was so pleased to have her older sister back and Kitty's energy was almost contagious. Anne lay in bed reading while Mary sat beside her bed sewing and softly singing a song their mother once sang to them. She had dismissed all her other ladies besides Mary, wanting to have some time alone with her beloved older sister. Anne sat her book down next to her before turning to her sister.

"Mary, do tell me about your life since I last saw you. Your children and husband." Anne asked her sister. Mary sat her sewing in her lap, scooting the chair closer to Anne's bed before speaking. "Well we lived simply since Will was a soldier and didn't have much income. Catherine and I would make thread from wool and Henry would help care for a neighboring farmers livestock. That brought us a few coins each month for food and drink. We started to scrape the bottom though once Annie was born since there were so many mouths to feed. I couldn't afford a - Dear Anne why are you sobbing?!" Mary exclaimed as her baby sister and Queen sat sobbing horrifically in her bed.

"I did that to you!" Anne sobbed out her explanation. "It was my fault you were living in poverty! Oh your poor children Mary. I'm a horrible sister and Queen!" Mary hugged her sister tightly while softly chuckling to herself. "Oh sweet Nannie" Mary whispered using the childhood pet name of Anne's "It was not your fault. We both know father was manipulating you. I do not hate you nor do I think you a bad sister or queen. Your emotions are running wild because of the babies. Now calm down my dear sister, stop crying." Mary comforted Anne softly stroking her hair. "Anne may I speak to you about something, rather personal.?" Mary asked as she handed Anne a handkerchief to wipe her tears. "What would you like to speak about sister?" Anne asked as she wiped her eyes.

"It is about your miscarriages. Henry told me what happened. How you lost two children due to the Seymour's scheming and now how you're pregnant with multiple babies. It is as if the Lord has given you these children because the ones he sent you originally were snatched away. It is as if he is sending them to you as an apology. It seems dear sister the Holy Father wants a Boleyn Tudor child to inherit and rule over England." Mary said as she watched Anne closely. Anne said nothing at first as she digested her sister's words which were quite true.

 What if God had sent these children not only to get her out of the awful Tower of London but to replace the children who were murdered before they could gasp their first breath? What if Mary was right? What if God wanted a male child of Tudor Boleyn blood to rule England? Anne rubbed her swelling stomach. She was almost in to her sixth month of pregnancy and she was already having a hard time moving about on her own and would soon need to begin her laying in. Anne looked at Mary with a smile on her face. "You know dear sister," Anne said "I do believe you are right. Perhaps these children I carry are God's grace that he wishes to be given to England."

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