Trouble in the Tower

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Jane smirked at Anne, stepping closer and closer to the end of the bed before stopping just a few feet away. Purkoy barking and growling loudly at the women in front of him, as if sensing her malice towards his beloved mistress. "Surprised to see me your majesty" Jane sneered, saying the title sarcastically. "What are you doing her you bitch!" Young Kitty had rushed from her spot at the window to be in front of her beloved cousin, her finger pointed accusingly at Jane. 

"Oh well if you must know, this is all about revenge in Mary Talbot's case," Jane gestured to the women next to her "and for me well, I'm just taking what should have been mine all along." Purkoy rushed at Jane, snapping at her but Jane was quick. Kicking the dog as hard as she could, she sent Purkoy flying into the stone wall, leaving the poor pup breathing but comatose. All the women gasped at Jane's cruelness. "Purkoy!" Anne cried trying to see her sweet companion from where she lay in bed, sighing in relief when she saw the pup was still breathing.

Snapping back to reality, Mary remembered what had been said earlier. "Revenge, what on earth are you talking about?" Mary was next to Kitty, forming a barrier between the two aggressive women and Anne. "What have I ever done to anger you Mary? We haven't spoken outside of court?!" Anne exclaimed from her spot in bed.

"You bitch!" Mary exclaimed loudly in rage, "You damn well did do something. You seduced my betrothed Hal Percy, and  he hates me. He is my husband and yet he still pines after you, you whore!" Talbot lunged at Anne, but was stopped my Kitty, who had tackled the older women to the floor. "You won't touch her you chit!" Kitty exclaimed as she wrestled Talbot to the floor, the two women rolling and hitting the other for supremacy.

Jane rolled her eyes at the display of unlady like behavior before her. "My my, what crass behavior from a countess." Jane's attitude was smug and snarky. "You will see more crass behavior from a different countess if you take one more step you traitoress bitch." Mary spoke venomously threatening Jane. "Oh the original Boleyn whore is now a countess. My the king does splendidly reward his breeding bitches doesn't he, my lady" Jane said mocking Mary openly with a sarcastic curtsy. This gesture enraged Mary who grew stiff with hatred and anger. "I'm only here to get my own reward. I should be queen, I'm a far more worthy lady then you are." Jane stared Anne down, causing the already cold feeling in Anne to grow even colder.

Jane rushed at Anne's bedside, Mary quickly following, but panic in Anne caused her stomach to cramp. Jane never reached Anne's bedside. Jane stopped part way, her eyes rolling into the back of her skull, she collapsed on the floor. Anne looked up from Jane to see Ursula Saunders standing behind where Jane had been, the cold warming pan gripped tight in her hands slightly dented from hitting Jane in the head. The sound of metal hitting stone caught Mary's attention who hustled to help her cousin incapacitate the Talbot girl.

"Foolish chit." Mistress Saunders muttered as she poked at Jane's side with her shoe. "Mistress water...." Anne choked out the words, the pain overcoming her making it hard to speak. Mistress Saunders looked up and gasped, rushing to Anne's side, the midwife yanked the coverlet off, to find that the Queen of England had gone into labor.

"My Lady Mary!" Mistress Saunders called out to Mary who was trying to untangle the still fighting Kitty and Mary Talbot. "Oh my heavens!" Mary exclaimed as she rushed over to her sister's side, taking Anne left arm, while Ursula took the right. Both women heaved and moved Anne to a move upright position. "My lady, hold on to her for a moment. I must prepare." Ursula spoke as she rushed over to her supplies. Washing her hands carefully with a bar of lye soap before drying them off, and donning her snow-white apron. She hurried back to Anne, midwife training making everything instinctual. "Your Majesty, you are already 4 fingers dilated, I'm afraid we can't move you to the birthing chair, you will have to give birth here in the bed but you're in excellent hands. I've delivered hundreds of babes and never once lost a babe or it's mother. I will take care of you." Ursula's voice was full of confidence, more so then she actually felt.

Mary Talbot saw her chance with the two other women out of the way. She shoved Kitty off of her, hustling to her feet to get to Anne. Kitty looked up from her place on the floor to see the fire poker had been knocked over, and lay before her. Kitty picked it up gripping it tight, she turned towards Talbot and swung with all her might hitting Talbot in the back stunning her. Talbot fell to her feet, momentarily taken down. Kitty swung again, knocking Talbot unconscious. Kitty huffed for breath and let the metal poker drop to the floor with a clank. "Cousin, what do I do with these two?" Kitty asked as she gasped for breath, her body buzzing with adrenaline as she stared down at Mary Talbot's still body.

"Are they dead?" Mistress Saunders asked from her spot at the end of the bed. Kitty turned Talbot's body over and saw the women was still breathing. "Talbot is still alive." Kitty mumbled, walking over to Jane's body flipping her over to see she too was still breathing. "Both are still alive but unconscious, what do we do with them?" Kitty asked the two older women.

"Go fetch the guards, they can take them both. Make sure the King is notified Kitty then come right back here." Mary spoke from her spot beside Anne. Kitty nodded, hurrying to the door, she pushed the chair aside and lifted the door beam off the door. Kitty pulled the door open, and told the guards who had been trying to open the door as soon as the fighting began. One ran off to find the Captain to tell him, while another two came in and retrieved the comatose bodies of Jane Seymour and Mary Talbot. The guards placed both women in to a heavily guarded cell far from the Queen's chamber but the sounds of the Queen giving birth echoed off every inch of the tower.

Hello my lovelies,

Today's historical significance in the date is: the 15th of May 1536, Anne and George Boleyn are on trail, both are found guilty. 

I hope you enjoy the new chapter, for as of now there are only two more chapters left.  The next update will be on the 17th and the very last chapter will be on the 19th. I hope you enjoy and have a wonderful day. 


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