Hurried Preperations

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Henry entered Anne's apartments to find her ladies bustling and hurrying to pack their mistress's belongings and Anne's midwife Ursula Saunders packing up her tonics and herbs for traveling. Henry spotted Anne overseeing the packing from a chair in front of the fire and he went to her quickly.

"Anne my sweetheart we must leave immediately, Jane has escaped and I must make sure you and Lizzy are safe." Henry helped her stand keeping a tight grip on her as she started to swoon from the news. "Mistress Seville" Henry called Anne's most trusted friend and lady-in-waiting over to them. "Yes your majesty?" Nan curtsied keeping her eyes on her pale heavily pregnant friend and mistress.

"Please stay with her majesty at all times until further notice and make sure her food and drink is tasted before she is offered anything." Henry ordered as he handed Anne over to Nan who quickly ushered her Queen back into her chair. "Please make sure Mistress Saunders prepares a tonic to soothe her majesty so she is not overly distressed and have her majesty changed into riding clothes for we shall be leaving within the hour." Henry said smiling as Nan nodded in confirmation.

Henry turned and left Anne's apartments for he had many other things to get done before they could depart for Richmond. He could comfort Anne on their journey to the palace and explain the entire situation to her then and he knew for a fact Nan Saville and Mary Strafford would comfort Anne until then, but right now he needed to make sure his kingdom and court were left in good hands.

Mistress Ursula Saunders mixed up a calming tonic for Anne as soon as the King had left and coxed Anne into drinking it with the help of Mary Strafford who sat beside her sister on the floor stroking Anne's hand gently to help relax her. After the Queen had swallowed the concoction of bitter herbs she handed her a goblet of spiced apple juice to wash the foul taste from her mouth. "I know it isn't the best tasting tonic your majesty but it will keep your nerves calm and strengthen the children in your womb." Mistress Saunders said as she took the goblet from Anne setting it down on the table next to her box of herbs before speaking again "For now you need to relax and stay calm to help the tonic work, we should also put you in your most comfortable riding gown and slippers for the journey."

"There's the loose light orange satin gown with the brown fur sleeves and trimmings." Mary Stafford spoke up from her spot on the floor "It goes well with your most comfortable pair of slippers Anne and would keep you comfortable during the ride." Mary smiled at her little sister trying her hardest to reassure her that everything was fine and Henry wouldn't let anything happen to their family.

"Yes that one would work nicely Mary. Nan will you please go fetch the gown and slippers? I need to dress quickly; after all we are to leave within the hour." Anne said softly smiling as she watched Nan curtsy before hurrying off to find the gown and slippers. 'God protect us all.' Anne thought as she kept the smile on her face, softly rubbing her large belly, her smiling growing as her children kicked inside her as if to say that they were safe and so was she.

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