Study Time Documents

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Henry summoned Anne to his study the next morning to make plans for both their vow renewal and her lying in period. She entered the study in a gown made of forest green silk with a pattern of small swirling emerald colored leaves all over. A simple gold cross necklace lay on her neck, a pair of emerald and gold earrings adorned her ears, and a glittering gold and emerald tiara sat atop her head. Her hair was done in a fashionable braided crown of the back of her head with the rest of her dark brunette tresses falling behind her. Henry couldn't keep his eyes off her. She looked every inch the queen that she was.

Henry rose from his chair to embrace his beautiful wife. "You look stunning my sweetheart, now let us work on the preparations my darling." Henry said as he led Anne to a large cushioned chair next to his desk that he had brought in for her. Anne sat down moving the pillow to rest on top of stomach. "What do you have done so far my love?" Anne asked as she looked at the numerous scattered papers on Henry's desk. "Well so far I have acquired the fabric you requested for your gown my love. I hope there is enough of it though since you seem to have gotten bigger with our children." Henry said teasing her gently.

"Yes. They roll and play constantly, but it is comforting to feel how strong and healthy they are." Anne said as she rubbed her swollen belly. "That is a good sign my darling. Now then about your lying in period, what ladies would you like to attend you my queen?" Henry asked as he pulled out a blank piece of parchment and a new jar of ink from a drawer in his desk.

Anne thought for a minute about his question. The hardest part about the lying in period was the limited number of ladies she could have attend her. She could have no more than 6 according to court etiquette set down by Lady Margaret Beaufort, Henry's feared grandmother. "Hmmm... Well I will most definitely want Nannette Seville to attend me as well as Elizabeth Hollands. Let me think who else." Anne said as she tapped her index finger on her cheek thinking before speaking again. " I'll want my Aunt Anne Shelton and my cousin Madge as well." Henry nodded as he wrote down the names of each lady as well as what position they would carry out during the laying in period.

"Alright sweetheart that is 4 ladies. You have two more to pick." Henry said as he watched Anne playing with a lock of her brunette hair as she thought. "My uncle Norfolk requested adding one of my cousins to my ladies. I'd like her to not only join but be one of those who tends to me during the laying in period." Anne said as shifted in the chair.

"What is her name sweetheart? I'll have her things sent for at once so she can join the court and learn her duties." Henry asked. "Her name is Katherine Howard, she's always gone by Kitty thought. She's about 16 if I remember correctly." Anne said as she watched Henry write. Anne shifted uncomfortably in her seat bringing Henry's attention to her once more.

"Anne? Sweatheart? Is something wrong?" Henry asked as he watched her shift in her chair. Anne sat up straight in her chair as she brushed wrinkles out her skirt before answering Henry's question. " Henry I regret banishing my sister. I'd really enjoy Mary's company once more especially during my lying in period. However, my father will be livid if Mary, her soldier husband, and children arrive at court. He will say she has brought shame to our family by being her with her lower family. Can you help me correct that my love?" Anne asked, her beautiful dark brown eyes glittered with unshed tears at the thought of how badly she had treated her elder sister. Henry watched his wife carefully taking notice of the tears and melancholy look in her gorgeous eyes.

Henry turned to Anne taking her hands in his. "Of course my sweetheart. Whatever you need me to do to keep you happy I will do it. How about this my love? What if I gave your brother in law a title? He'd be a member of the peerage and could be added to my inner circle. From what I have heard, William Stafford is a loyal and brave soldier who has earned this gift through his years of service and hard work. Anne darling" Henry said as he picked Anne's chin up with on hand, his blue eyes staring in to her brown eyes "if your father complains about anything or does anything that upsets you, please tell me immediately. Alright sweetheart? Would you like that?" Anne nodded eagerly clapping her hands in delight causing Henry to chuckle as he turned back to the papers on his desk.

"I do believe that Lincolnshire Castle is open as is the title Earl of Lincoln. You're father couldn't complain about having a son-in-law who is an Earl which would make your sister a countess which would be fitting for my in-laws. I've been meaning to write a new document to make your brother the Duke of Rouchford as an apology for the horror he has suffered. I could write both documents up no later then this afternoon. I could also give you a purse of coins to send to your in-laws for attire that would be appropriate for their receiving at court. Would that please you my darling?" Henry asked.

Anne stood up and hugged Henry tightly from behind placing a kiss on his cheek. "Oh yes my love that would be absolutely wonderful! Oh thank you so much Henry." Anne said gleefully as she sat back into her chair. Henry chuckled once more happy to see his wife so cheerful before writing up the order to have Lady Mary Stafford and her family brought to court as soon as possible as well as the delivering of the coin purse and the order to have Lady Kitty Howard brought to court.

"Now then my love, since the ladies have been assigned, we must now choose taste testers as well as a midwife to care for you. Do you have a midwife in mind my dear?" Henry asked as he read through the names of taste testers available at court. "My Aunt Anne did mention a very good midwife to me the other day, she told me the women hasn't lost a single child in her 30 years of service and her husband is a physician. I think she'd be an excellent choice Henry." Anne said as she played with the silk of her skirt.

"What is the midwife's name sweetheart?" Henry asked as he circled two names on his list of taste testers. "Aunt Anne said the midwife's name was Ursula Saunders. I think she'd be the best choice considering that it will not be just a single child for this birth and birthing one child is quite a feat much less birthing two or more children. I'd feel much safer in the hands of someone with such a good record as well as many years of experience." Anne said watching Henry nod in agreement.

"As you wish my love. I'll have everything taken care of by tomorrow afternoon at the latest." Henry said as he finished the paperwork for Anne's lying in. "My dear why don't you go ahead and go lay down and rest. I'll come visit you as soon as possible. Alright sweetheart?" Henry said as he helped Anne stand up from the chair. "Yes I suppose you are right my love. I'll see you soon." Anne said as she walked out of the study and back into her apartment.

                                                     Anne's gown for this chapter

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                                                     Anne's gown for this chapter. Just imagine a bigger belly.

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