The Bark of a Hound

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Anne sat in bed reading, a French novel laying on her lap, Purkoy snoozing softly at her side. She was close to eight months pregnant by this time, and according to Mistress Saunders should be ready to give birth any day now since twins usually arrived early. Her thoughts no longer on her book, Anne sat it aside, and allowed her mind to wonder away with her thoughts. Anne knew that Elizabeth's birthday was a week away, as it was the last day in August, at that would not be nearly enough time for her to give birth and be churched. She would most likely be unable to celebrate her darling daughter's third birthday in person.

It didn't help matters that Elizabeth was under strict protection, safely tucked away inside Westminster Abbey, and she doubted Henry would relent and let their daughter come stay in the Tower with her mother. Not while those two chits were out free to make trouble. 'Damn Jane Seymour for causing such trouble and damn Mary Talbot alongside her' Anne sighed at that thought, her heart slightly breaking at disappointing her sweet Lizzie on her birthday. Anne looked up and scratched Purkoy behind the ears as she watched her companions.

Mistress Saunders was busy making preparations for the upcoming birth, making sure she had everything she would need. Several large jugs of fresh water had been sent up, ready to be heated in the large kettle that sat next to the fire place. The finest linen towels had also been sent up along with three cakes of lye soap and a fresh white apron per request of Mistress Saunders.

Anne turned and watched her sister and cousin, both seated in the window seat, sewing and chatting together softly about the latest in court gossip. Everyone was wondering what sort of celebrations the King was going to have in honor of his children's births. "Oh I do hope there will be a mask." Kitty sighed dreamily "I'd wear a sky blue velvet gown with embroidery of butterflies and flowers in a midnight blue thread with a pink underskirt with vines. Oh it would be magical." Mary laughed softly at her younger cousin's imagination. "I don't doubt the King will host a mask, seeing as how fond dear Anne is of them" Mary spoke softly before turning to Anne. "What do you think though, sister, have you any idea what the king is planning?"

"None what so ever Mary. I assume it all depends on the gender of the children. If I have sons then I'm sure there will be jousts, banquets, and masks for days. If daughters then probably only the mask and a banquet." Anne vocalized her opinion and while her tone was happy there was a sad edge to her words "If one of each.... whose to know? Henry is fickle, there are times even I can't read him."

Suddenly Purkoy shot right up on Anne's bed, barking like mad towards the entrance hall. "Purkoy?! What on Earth has you so riled?" Anne asked as she tried to calm her puppy. Purkoy would have no consoling however, his fur stood on end and his teeth were bared in an angry snarl as he continued to bark and growl at the entrance. The sound of the door opening and a chair scraping against the stone floor had all the women in the room at full attention. Two women walked in from the entry hall, one raven headed and the other brunette. Anne gasped, staring at the intruders, terror coursing through her veins as she recognized the brunette, the woman's name falling softly off Anne's lips.


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