The Return to Court

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The week since Elizabeth's official arrival went by quickly and rather uneventfully until the day Anne's family came back to court. Everyone, including Elizabeth, would be received by both the King and Queen and witnessed by the entire court. Anne and Henry sat in the throne room dressed in various shades of blue adorned with pearls. Courtiers lined the walls watching their monarchs in their matching attire. The herald tapped his staff against the floor signaling the audience to silence their conversations. He cleared his throat as the trumpeters announced the beginning of court before once again tapping his staff and speaking. "Announcing the arrival of Her Royal Highness, the Princess of Wales, Princess Elizabeth,her governess the Lady Catherine Champernowne, and her ladies." The courtiers bowed as the little Princess of Wales walked down the aisle dressed in a similar fashion as her parents in a periwinkle blue satin gown with silver embroidery and pearls, a small rope of pearls with a silver pendant attached to it around her small neck, as well as a pearl headband in her red hair with was braided into a crown at the back with the rest of it curled tightly into ringlets.

 She approached her parents thrones gracefully before dropping into a deep curtsy, "Your majesties. I am grateful to be back at court." she spoke confidently for a child of not yet three years old. Henry waved his hand for her and her ladies to rise. "My jewel of England. I am happy to officially welcome you back to Hampton Court. Please take your throne." Henry motioned to the smallest throne placed next to Anne's. Elizabeth walked confidently up the few steps before curtsying once more towards her parents before taking a seat upon the miniature throne on the dais next to her mother, ready to receive the rest of the new court arrivals.

      Anne lay resting on a chaise couch in Henry's study. The ceremonies for her brother, and brother-in-law's peerages had wiped her out completely. She was very pleased to see her siblings again and sweet Elizabeth was over the moon to have children to play with . Mary was moving her children and husband into their new apartments at court. Anne was quite shocked to learn not only did she have a new niece but that Mary had named her new daughter after Anne. Little Annie Strafford was a sweet child a year younger than Elizabeth but it was uncanny how similar her niece was to Anne. They both had the same dark brown hair and deep brown eyes that seemed to gleam with mischief. In a few hours both her sister and little Kitty Howard would be received in her chambers as ladies-in-waiting. Anne had already told Mary that she would be chief lady-in-waiting and would be in charge of the other ladies. Mary was unsure of how well she was suited for the position but promised she would do her best and Anne didn't doubt her beloved big sister. Anne could feel herself nodding off and gave up trying to stay awake. The lovely queen fell asleep with thought of her childhood and siblings playing in the gardens of Hever.

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                                          Henry and Anne's outfits and Elizabeth's Gown for this Chapter

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                                          Henry and Anne's outfits and Elizabeth's Gown for this Chapter.

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