Enemy in the Shadows

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Jane Seymour lay against the soft velvet cushions that covered the couch. After 3 days in the hard cold horror that is the Tower she was glad to be in a warm soft environment once more. She was even happier for a new gown, even if the fabric was of low quality but the brown plaid dress was warm and dry unlike her old green gown she was arrested in. A servant brought her a goblet of spiced wine and some bread with cheese, Jane thanked him with a sweet smile before taking a bite of bread and cheese. "I assume you are comfortable now Mistress Seymour and I hope the gown fits you well." the voice of a women could be heard from inside the privy chamber from where Jane sat.

"Yes my lady, everything is wonderful. Thank you for your generous hospitality and help. I sincerely appreciate it but I must wonder why a countess such as yourself would risk so much to help me?" The women laughed as she entered the outer chamber, sitting down and sipping her spiced wine. "Why you ask Mistress Jane? Because I hate Anne Boleyn with a burning passion. That whore bitch is the reason why I'm in this wretched marriage with a husband who can't stand me, because my husband the Earl of Northumberland still pines for that harlot. I want revenge on her for she is the reason my husband will never love me and the reason my marriage is so horrific." Jane stared at the women who sat in front of her, noticing how old she looked despite being the same age as Jane herself. Being Hated and blamed by her husband had made Mary Talbot-Percy a very bitter woman and that suited Jane's needs just fine.

 Being Hated and blamed by her husband had made Mary Talbot-Percy a very bitter woman and that suited Jane's needs just fine

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