Little Elizabeth

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       True to his word Henry got all the paperwork and preparations they had done so far finalized. Henry walked through the halls towards the Queen's apartments but was stopped by a groom. "Your majesty, the Princess and her court have arrived as you requested. The princess has asked to see you as well sire." the groom spoke with a bow as his Lord nodded conformation and immediately changed course towards Princess Elizabeth's chamber. Henry pushed the doors open and was nearly knocked off his feet by his small daughter who leapt into his arms.

       "I've missed you papa! You and mamma! Have you missed me?" Elizabeth asked her father as she hugged him tight. Henry chuckled at his daughter hugging her tightly back. "Yes my jewel your mother and I have missed you greatly." Henry said "In fact why don't you join me in visiting your mama? Hmm would you like that my princess?" Elizabeth squealed in joy and nodded her head. Henry chuckled and carried her towards Anne's chamber nodding to the herald to announce him so he wouldn't startle Anne's ladies but not to signal that Elizabeth was here. Henry walked in and waved his hand to Anne's ladies signaling they could get up from their curtsies as he placed Elizabeth down near Lady Nan whose lap the little princess claimed for herself. Henry put his index finger to his lips, signalling  the ladies to stay quiet and not ruin the surprise.

Anne was lying in bed, a book in her hands when Henry entered to visit her. "Hello sweetheart. How are you feeling?" Henry asked as he walked into the inner room.

"Very well my darling." Anne said as she sat her book down and sat up. "Did you finish everything you needed to get done Henry?" Anne asked him as she settled back against the goose feather pillows. "Yes I did my queen. I sent a message to your Uncle Norfolk to have your cousin Kitty brought to court as well as sending out the invitation to your sister's family. I also asked your father to call your brother and his wife back to court. They should all arrive within a week at most my dearest." Henry said as he played with a lock of Anne's hair. "That's wonderful news. Thank you so much Henry. It will be lovely having both of my siblings with me again. I just hope George will be alright. I know his experience in the Tower scared him half to death." Anne said trying to surpass a shudder at the thought of her time in the tower.

      "What happened to Mark Smeaton and the other men who were condemned?" Anne asked curiously. Henry was taken aback by her question taking his hand away from her hair and placing both hands in his lap as the guilt of what he had done chilled his soul. "Well my love the gentlemen were spared torture according to their status but I am afraid that poor Mark Smeaton was tormented so badly that his hands will never be the same."  Henry could feel his self-hatred grow with his every word.

"I sent a purse to support him since he can no longer make money as a musician. I am so ashamed about what happened to them. All because of my damned lust and those horrid lies. I should have listened to you that day in the garden when you brought Elizabeth. I'm so sorry I didn't believe you my love. I should have known better than to believe the Duke of Suffolk's lies. Charles has never liked you and I should have taken that into account. I'm so ashamed of that and am so sorry for what I did." Henry confessed to her feeling a weight lift off his shoulders. Anne sat quietly listing as her husband poured out his soul and confessed everything to her. The tears that glistened in Henry's eyes did not escape her notice.

"Oh my sweet Henry. I know you feel horrible for what you did but you did what you thought was right. Thankfully the truth was exposed so all is well. I'm sure the men don't hold anything against you. I'm sure they understand you were doing what you thought best for the Kingdom. Everything will be alright my dear husband." Anne said as she stroked Henry's cheek feeling less calm then she looked. She'd never tell him for she knew he already felt guilty, but Anne still resented Henry for not listening to her. Thank God the truth was found out.

"You are every inch the Queen my love. You are merciful and kind. Stern and fearsome. Generous and benevolent. Forgiving and gentle. Witty and cunning. You are the Queen England needed all along. I'm so thankful for you my love." Henry said as he sat on the bed, embracing Anne gently, placing kisses along her neck before releasing her. "God blessed me greatly when he sent you my way Anne." Henry said as he stroked her cheek lovingly. "He blessed me as well my love. I never imagined I'd have a husband as loving as you nor a daughter as witty and beautiful as our sweet Lizzie." Anne said as she placed her hand over Henry's. "Speaking of our daughter, Elizabeth has arrived at court my dear. You haven't seen her in some time, and she's growing to be just as lovely as her mother and as intelligent too." Henry asked Anne, smiling as he saw a gleam of joy sparkle in Anne's eyes.

"Oh that is marvelous Henry. I've missed her so much and we could tell her about the babies." Anne said as she leaned against Henry. "Very well then my love. I'll send for our daughter at once." Henry said as he put an arm around his sweetheart as he called for Lady Nan to bring in his surprise whom came squealing with joy in to the room before launching herself on to her mother's bed.

"Mama! Mama! Did you miss me? I missed you a whole bunch!" Elizabeth cried as she hugged her mother tightly. Anne was absolutely shocked yet completely overjoyed at seeing her daughter so soon. "Oh my dearest heart I missed you so much but Lizzy you must be careful. You could accidentally hurt your siblings." Anne said as she carefully moved Elizabeth to her side. Elizabeth gasped and looked at her mother's large stomach. "I'm going to be a big sister? Do I have little brother's or sister's?" Elizabeth asked as she cuddled close to her mother. Anne laughed at her daughter enthusiasm over becoming a big sister. "We do not yet know if the babies are boys or girls or one of each. We just have to wait and find out when they get here in 4 months my darling girl." Anne said as she played with Elizabeth's red curls. "Oh I understand mamma. Now I have time to practice being a big sister and get the babies something nice to welcome them." Elizabeth said with a serious look on her toddler face which caused both of her parents to chuckle.

"Indeed it does my little jewel. Now why don't you introduce me to your household my princess and we will let your Mamma and the babies rest, I hear you have a new governess you are very fond of." Henry said as he picked up his daughter. "Oh yes papa." Elizabeth said as she clasped her little hands around her father's neck. "Lady Kat is very fun and smart. She teaches me games to help me learn. She is much more fun than Lady Bryan or the Lady Mary." The mention of his stubborn bastard daughter made Henry frown but he quickly put a smile on his face for Elizabeth's sake. "Is she now my jewel, I am glad you approve of her. Now let us say goodbye to your mamma before we go meet your household." Henry said as he bent over to kiss Anne's forehead. Elizabeth placed a sloppy kiss on her mother's cheek before bidding her farewell and walking to her chamber in her father's arms.

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