32 Joshua/S.Coups: Fears

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You (Sejin):

"Sejinnnn!" I heard someone shout my name as I walked into the set for Seventeen's Mansae MV, I turned around to see Seungcheol running towards me and hugging me tightly "hey potato" he smiled, it was his nickname for each other "yah there are people here" you started to feel slightly embarrassed from his sudden affections. "Hehe it doesn't matter, can't I hug my own girlfriend?" he showed off his gummy smile. "Are you that happy?" you pinched his cheek "yep, I feel happier than when I debuted" he pulled you even closer, resting his head on yours, you remembered how disappointed he was when you weren't able to come and visit him during the filming of 'Adore U' because you had to attend to something urgent and you hoped that coming today would make up for it. "If you're that happy then I'm happy" you whispered hearing the soft steady beat of his heart thumping against your ear.

When you hung out with Seventeen, the rest of the members kept teasing the both of you because it seemed like the both of you had something going on, what you didn't know was that Seungcheol liked you and that's why the members kept on teasing him. One day he told you to meet him, he prepared everything, he brought you to the park and brought food so you two could have a pinic as you admired the view of the sky, he even bought your favourite flower and placed it in your hair telling you that you looked really pretty with it. After that loud music started to play and there was a group of boys riding bicycles holding a board each and you realised it was the other members of Seventeen as they formed a sentence saying "I like you Sejin, will you go out with me?" when you read it, you immediately felt touched and turned to look at Seungcheol as he took out a ring from the pinic basket and you nodded your head putting your arms around him. The next few words were the lines you would never ever forget "See my name here" he pointed on the inner band of the ring with his name engraved inside "and see your name on my ring" he showed you his and you smiled brightly "we'll always be each other's and we'd always be with each other no matter where we are." You smiled suddenly remembering it. "Yah what are you smiling at all by yourself, are you thinking of another man because I will find him and I will make sure he never lives to see tomorrow" he laughed

"Places everyone!" the director shouted into the loud-hailer bursting everyone's eardrums, "he knows that it amplifies his voice so he doesn't need to shout right?" you checked your ears for blood causing Seungcheol to laugh, "he told us just now that penguins have four legs, so I don't even know what he knows" Seungcheol joked swinging both of your hands together not wanting to leave just yet. "Stop bluffing and quickly go before that crazy director of yours start screaming into the loud-hailer again and this time my ears would really bleed" you pushed him away but as he walked to where the rest of the boys are, he would turn back to wave and smile at you after every 10 seconds that passed, leaving a lingering feeling in your heart. "Fighting~" you mouthed the words as he did a heart with his fingers. "Okay everyone, as you can see we are handing you all your scripts, please read through and memorise them, I do not want to stay here until 2012 alright?" the director crossed his arms, did he just say 2012... i'm sure we're in the year 2015, i guess maybe seungcheol wasn't joking when the director said penguins have 4 legs... "As you all can tell from your script there is a female lead, so let us please welcome our female lead for your MV, Jo Soo Hyang-sshi" everyone clapped and looked around to see how she looked like.

T-that name.... No it can't be... Could it be...

She walked from behind the set and towards the boys, that face... it was the face of the girl you hated, you felt your legs go weak, you never thought you'd ever see her again "alright boys so today the concept would be trying to get the girl and win her heart, however as you can see in the script S.Coups-sshi would be the one who gets the girl" the director waved his script in the air "Scene 1 everyone! Places!" There was a slight tinge in my heart knowing that Seungcheol would have to try to woo her, but I knew this was just an act and it is part of the script, none of this was real. What made it worse was that she was your enemy in High School and that made your heart feel uneasy. I took a seat on one of the viewing benches and folded my legs to get myself comfortable as I looked at all of them dancing to the intro, I smiled looking at them having fun and enjoying themselves as they got into character being their usual charming selves.

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