17 Onew: Horror Movies

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//Requested by littlekitty on quotev// sorry this is a short one but i hope that you all still enjoy it~ XOXO~ thank you for all the support seriously <3 *heart melts* 💓💓🙆


“What are we watching?” I plopped down onto the red canvas sofa next to Onew then resting my head on his shoulder and threw both of my legs over his. “Yah! I’m not your footrest Kat” he chuckled as he swung his legs around so I would take my legs off his “awww but you areee~” I whined and looped my arm through his and pouted “so cute my little kitty” he pinched my cheeks and pecked my nose “why do you keep calling me that oppa!” “because it’s cute and you’re cute little kitty” I poked my nose and I eyed him. “meanie always making fun of me” I stuck my tongue out “since you’re so mean I’m gonna watch a romance movie” I stood up to put in the disc “not the notebook again, Kat we’ve watched that like a billion times now anyways I’ve already put another movie in the player” he laughed and patted the seat next to him “what is it?” “shhhhh secret” he winked. “Wait lemme get the popcorn!” Onew jumped out of his seat to get the microwaved popcorn after the ‘ding’ sound echoed through the apartment.

I sat down and grabbed the fluffy white cushion next to me and clutched it tight after realizing what movie Onew decided to play “Oppa quickly come back!” I shouted holding the cushion even closer to me and I turned back to see whether he was coming or not. “Oppa! Where are you?!” “waeyo little kitty… the movie hasn’t even started yet” he laughed walking to the sofa with a large blue bowl of freshly popped butter popcorn “hurry and sit down” I whined “okay okay” he chuckled seeing that I was already scared “why did you play this you know I’m scared!” I held his arm as he starting putting handfuls of popcorn into his mouth. I gulped as the show started off with a girl screaming and gripped Onew’s arm tighter and he started laughing “relax kat” he said as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders bringing me closer to him and kissing the top of my head “I’m here, don’t worry okay?” he ruffled the top of my head and I nodded still scared. I felt my lips started to become dry as the show started to become more intense with every scene, my hands started to tremble slightly when the music started to become creepy and eerie sending chills down my spine. I honestly could feel my hair stand because it was so spooky sounding, my gaze stiffened when the girl started stood in front of the cemetery “don’t go in idiot! You’re gonna die!” I shouted still holding onto his arm tightly as he laughed to himself “no no no!” the girl took a step into the cemetery as she pushed open the rusty metal gates. “why are you so stupid you’re gonna die oh my god!” I shook his arm.

The music was starting to become more and more intense as both of us anticipated for something to pop up “oh noooo” I mumbled as the music was reaching its climax, the girl was walking deeper and deeper as cold mist blew against her as she cried out looking for her lost brother then the music ended with a loud sound and something jumped out at her sending me into a frenzy “Oh my god go away! Go away!!!” I jumped and screamed hugging Onew tightly, burying my face into his chest “oppa~” I cried as he chuckled “it’s okay I paused the show already” he kissed my head and patted my back “it’s okay to look now anyway the thing that popped up was a-“ “LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA I can’t hear you!” I stuffed my finger into my ears and sung to block his voice as I stood up as walked away from him. I then turned back around to Onew realizing that the entire house is all dark and creepy because we turned off all the lights in the house for the movie “back so soon?” he laughed and I hugged him “it’s dark” I muffled and he smiled “I’m here why are you so worried hmm? I’ll protect you, I won’t let anything get to you and besides it was a-“ “LA LA LA LA LA don’t you dare say that word oppa LA LA LA LA LA” I repeated my action and he held both my arms and put them down “it was a black cat, see you’re being too paranoid” he kissed my nose. “oh… a cat?” I said embarrassed “DING DONG” the doorbell rang which sent me into another frenzy “ahhhh!!” I jumped and hugged Onew once more “oppa!” I cried “calm down kat, I ordered chicken it’s probably the delivery guy” he laughed and pulled me off him so he could get the door.

“NO OPPA DON’T GO!” I screamed “why not?” he took out his wallet from his bag “it might be a g-g-gh- you know what it is I refuse to say that word!” I clutched the white marshmellow-ish fluffy cushion again “I’m pretty sure it’s the chicken delivery guy kat” he walked towards the door and I jumped to hold him back “no oppa I can’t lose you! I don’t think I’ll be able to live if you’re gone!” I held him tightly not wanting to let go “it’ll be fine”  he laughed and he pulled my arms off him “the chicken delivery guy isn’t gonna be a g-“ “LA LA LA don’t say that word oppa!” I sat back down onto the sofa “don’t blame me if you die oppa, it’s just like that girl I told her not to go in but she still did! Look she’s totally gonna die later on oppa believe me!” “I won’t blame you if I die kat because at least I have chicken so I’ll die happily” he smiled turning the knob “you’ll see that it’s just an ordinary chicken delivery guy that isn’t-“ “stop saying that word!” “I was going to say that isn’t dead but okay” he laughed opening the door. “Ahhhh get away from my oppa you!!!” I screamed and starting throwing cushions at the figure at the door, “GET. AWAY. FROM. HIM!” I closed my eyes and threw them harder really scared but I was going to protect Onew no matter what, even if it means having to encounter my fears, I couldn’t let Onew die I wouldn’t be able to live without him. “Ow ow ow!” a male voice shouted “Kat it’s okay” Onew chimed and walked towards me, hugging me tightly “it’s just Jonghyun, he’s working today and he delivered the chicken” he embraced me tightly and let go after seeing that I had calmed down “oops” I said blushing after turning to see Jonghyun standing outside at the doorway with cushions surrounding him but what was funnier was him delivering the chicken in a chicken suit. “What are you wearing?!” I laughed holding my stomach “yah! Don’t laugh it’s bad enough I’m in this suit but now I get attacked with cushion and mind you some of these cushions are deadly! Like what do you two stuff your cushions with? Rocks?” he whined and handed the excited Onew his bucket of chicken “sorry bro, I played a horror movie hehe” Onew grinned and smelled the chicken bucket excitedly and hugged it tightly “not again yah lee jinki stop scaring her will you?” he laughed “ok gotta go and stop watching that, you’re gonna give kat nightmares” he waved and headed off to his next delivery.

Onew closed the door and ran over to sit next to me “chicken!” he shouted and took the lid off before gazing at the glory of his beautifully fried love. “my love you’ve come back to me!” “yah! I thought I was your love!” I crossed my arm and hit him on the head with the cushion “hehe don’t be mad you know I love you more right?” he abandoned the chicken to hug me “liar” I pushed him away but his grasp was too strong “little kitty I love you a lot why won’t you believe me” he laughed “because when I asked you not to open the door you still did, you chose dying for the chicken rather than losing the chicken to be with me” I tried to push him away again but he pulled himself away and looked at me deeply in my eyes “you know that’s not how I feel kat” he said seriously “onew….” My voice trailed off “you’re more important to me then chicken you know that? I love chicken a lot but I can never compare to the love I have for you kat… you’re my world please don’t ever say that again okay?” he pulled me into a soft embrace, it was different from the other hugs he gave me, this one was soft and gentle, somewhat calming and sweet I could feel all the emotion he poured into the hug as I hugged him back. “I love you too I’m sorry for saying that oppa” “it’s okay little kitty I’m sorry for worrying you so much” “anyway did you watch this on purpose so I would be scared?” I pulled away and eyed him “um you mean turn this on hoping you’ll be frightened and hug me tightly as I embrace you and comfort you? No….” he teased “Yah! Lee Jinki really? You’re so mean, if I can’t sleep it’s all your fault!” I punched his arm “then we can watch the notebook all night and cuddle as I eat my fried chicken don’t worry I’ll share” he laughed as he kissed the top of my forehead “you smell like chicken oppa” I joked “really? I wanna eat myself!” he laughed. “No more horror movies I promise!” he grinned “yeah you better not play any more if not the entire bucket of chicken is mine” “okay I promise just don’t take my chicken!” he put his hands up in surrender.

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