38 Mingyu: Forgetting Your Anniversary

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"Aish where is that boy" you took a look at your watch, it was already 9pm, two hours had already passed from the time that he was supposed to meet you at the restaurant that you made reservations for, but now you were just sitting in the restaurant alone like an idiot while everyone was finishing up their dinner and leaving the restaurant while you waited for a boy that probably isn't going to show up. You sent him another message asking where he was, you tried your luck and stayed a little longer, hoping that he would come barging into the restaurant saying he got caught up with something or got stuck in traffic. "Sorry Miss, we are closing up now, are you still waiting for someone?" the waitress asked "erm I don't think he's coming, sorry about that" you apologized for taking up one of their tables when they had so many customers waiting outside just now, you stood up and swung your bag over your shoulder and left the restaurant.

"Did he... really forget?" you sighed, you couldn't hide your disappointment, he never used to be like this before he debuted he remembered your 1 month-sary, 100 days, 200 days, 1 year, Valentine's Day, everything... but now he barely replies your text messages. You knew he was probably busy with his promotions and all but if his other members could text you all day long, you didn't understand why he couldn't reply at all. When he was training, he would take a photo of himself sleeping on his bed in the seventeen dorm, knowing that you probably were so worried you couldn't go to sleep and at that point in time you thought that you were really lucky to find someone so sweet. You didn't want to admit it but it feels like the both of you have drifted away from each other. When you got home you kicked off your shoes at the doorway and plopped onto the sofa not even bothering to change, you just laid there staring at the ceiling with anger running through your veins. At that moment Wonwoo sent you a selfie of himself dying from exhaustion in the practice room and you wondered who seemed more like your boyfriend, Mingyu or Wonwoo.

You tilted your head to the wall to see the time, it was currently 2am in the morning and Mingyu was no where to be found, usually he would sleep at the dorm but on Fridays he would come home to stay over during the weekends. "Kim Mingyu...." You mumbled about to give up and fall asleep but he opened the door and came in. "Ahhhhhh that was such a tiring day of practice" he kicked his shoes to the side and came in but you ignored him "yah jagiya, are you asleep already?" he walked and shook you slightly "why are you wearing something so nice? Are you going somewhere?" he asked "don't touch me" you pushed his hand away from your arm. "Wae? Did something bad happened today?" he touched your arm again "I said don't touch me!" you stood up and walked away into your room. "Come on y/n... I've had a long day today, and I don't come on often, right now I just want to go to sleep but I can't because you're acting like a princess" a bit of irritation was present in his voice which triggered you. "Then why not I just leave? Then you'll be able to sleep" you got up and tried to walk out of the room but Mingyu followed you into the living room "can you just tell me what the hell is wrong with you that is pissing you off?!" his voice echoed into the living room.

"Well you want to know why I'm being like this? I've been waiting for you for 3 hours in the restaurant I made reservations for us today but I had to leave because they needed to close the restaurant, then I've sent you messages asking you where you were but you obviously are too busy to reply while the other members have been sending me videos of their dance practices all day long. Where on earth were you Mingyu? According to the other members, your dance practice ended an hour ago and it's 3AM right now!" you screamed not caring what time it was, nothing could compress your anger right now, "do you have any idea what it's like to practice all day long? The members may be so relaxed but I'm so exhausted trying my best to catch up with them on the dance moves, I still cannot remember the choreography and the hyungs have been scolding me all day and now I have to come home to this? Why would you wait at the restaurant knowing I have dance practice anyways, it's not like it's a special day today" he rolled his eyes, his voice shouting at the same level as mine. "You are unbelievable Kim Mingyu... you really forgot" you shook your head tears already flowing "what's so important today anyways that you're so mad I forgot?" he folded his arms "it's our 3 year anniversary you idiot!" you screamed as you went into your room to open up your luggage and putting all of your stuff inside trying your best to do so as quickly as possible to get out of here.

From the corner of your eye you could see Mingyu running after you and grabbed your wrist and your struggled to get out of his tight grasps on your hands "Let. Me. Go!" "Y/n. please stop..." he cried out "I'm done with you and your nonsense Mingyu, I've had enough of you, I'm sorry I'm the one who caused all your suffering but I've had it, I've had enough of not seeing you everyday and being alone all the time, even so my boyfriend's friends seem more like my boyfriend, I barely even receive a message from you. I can't even tell you what's going on in my life, I can't even tell you I dropped out of school" you cried even harder "Wait you what?" his eyes shook in worry "y/n-ah..." "My mum is in the hospital and so I needed to find a job to pay her bills, I've been working 3 part time jobs a day and when I get home there isn't anyone, there isn't anyone who I can talk to or cry to, there isn't anyone to hold me and tell me everything is okay. Every night I cry myself to sleep wondering what I ever did for my life to be like this, then the next day I wake up alone again and realised I woke up into a nightmare" you gripped his sleeves "babe..." his heart ached for you "so please Kim Mingyu, let me go... let me out of this suffering..." your tears fell uncontrollably and his expression soften seeing you in so much pain, guilt arising in him knowing he wasn't by your side when all of these happened, letting your suffer alone. He pulled you into a hug wanting to comfort you as you tried to push him away but this time he made sure he used all of his strength so you couldn't break away from his hug, he doesn't know much about what he wants but he knew he wanted you.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't be there for you, I know I'm a horrible boyfriend and there is probably nothing in the world I could ever do to make it up to you. If I could I want to go back to the time before I decided what I wanted to do with my life, I would have just lived my life as a normal man not becoming an idol," Mingyu was really crying now, seeing your boyfriend who has never shed a tear made you stop pushing and your heart softened "If I never decided to become a trainee... we wouldn't be like this now, it's all my fault y/n... I could have been there for you, I could've worked part time with you so we can pay for your mother's medical bills together, I... I should've never joined Pledis" he cried on your shoulder "M-Mingyu... what are you saying? It's your dream" you stuttered "but if it meant that I would have to make you hurt alone to get that dream, I rather not and just be by your side y/n... you are my dream".

"I know I've let you suffer so much y/n but I really cannot let you go, y/n I need you by my side... I promise I will never let you hurt alone again, please don't leave me... I'll do anything to be with you please don't go, we'll get through this together" you pulled away slightly to look at his teary face before reaching to cup his cheeks wiping the tears on his cheek as he smiled slightly "y/n-ah" he wiped your tears away like you did, following your actions. "If I don't go, you have to promise to never say things about giving up your dream or anything stupid like that okay?" he nodded his head "then you have to promise to tell me everything and anything even if it's you running out of toothpaste, I'll come running to your house to deliver toothpaste even if I'm in the middle of dance practice, my baby girl comes first" he kissed your forehead "I'll come home everynight and I'll work harder to come home earlier" he brought you back into a hug "please don't hurt alone again, I hate it when we fight" "Okay pabo".


*cries* when you and Mingyu fights because he forgot... 😭💔 but it all ended up well anyways~ someone please tell mingyu to stop smiling like that 😍

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