10 Daehyun: The One I Can't Live Without

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//It's a short imagine but i still hope you enjoy it! 😚😘💕💞🙈✨💋// XOXO~ Please do request, i would love to do some of your requests hehehe~ ☺ #10th imagine! 


I felt the morning rays shining on my face causing me to be awake from my deep slumber, I opened my crisped eyes slowly then realizing there was a pair of arms wrapped around me. Turning around smiling to see a sleepy boy who was still soundly asleep and with messy bed hair, I swept away his fringe that was covering his eyes then slowly I traced his chiseled features with my fingers from his eyes to his noses then his lips. I couldn’t help but admire his perfect features, I loved the way that he smiles showing his pearly white teeth and a perfect eye smile that would send my heart, pounding in seconds. But what I loved most of all when I look at his face was that this beautiful boy loved me so much he was incredibly cheesy and was a hopeless romantic when it comes to love, every now and then he would buy me a rose and place it on my doorstep with a note asking me to meet him.

I still remember those mornings when I would look forward to seeing his rose and note at my doorstep, it was simple but the effect it had on my heart rippled ten folds. I cuddled closer to him, fingers still tracing the outlines of him as I remembered every special moment that we had, feeling the warmness of his chest and his soft cotton white shirt as I took in his sweet scent, his scent comforted me it gave me a sense of security and homeliness. Then I felt his hand that was resting on my waist move up to back bringing me closer to him, I looked up to see that his eyes were still closed “just a while more” he mumbled as I cuddled deeper into his chest with every word he spoke, I wasn’t going to move I like it when we just enjoy each other’s presence and warmness.

“What are you thinking about?” he softly said as his thumb caressed my back “Nothing.” “You’ve been staring into space ever since you woke up, you definitely must be wondering about something” he chuckled then we pulled away slightly so we could look at each other. I blushed knowing now that he has been secretly looking at me ever since I woke up “I just well… I was thinking about you” I shied away from his gaze “aw babe, I’m just right here and you’re already missing me?” he lifted up my chin gently “who said anything about missing?” I laughed and punched him on the shoulder playfully “oh my adorable jagiya, what am I supposed to do without you” he smiled and hugged me tightly “let go of me, I don’t want you to hug me” I joked “why not?” he pouted as I pushed him away “because there is someone that I like so much that I don’t think living without them is even possible.” Daehyun shot up from the bed sitting up straight to look at me that was also sitting up with my legs crossed. “Who” he was angry now, I could see that his gaze was different from his usual loving eyes that sparkled now it was deep and hurt “daehyun-ah…” worried that he really was angry “Who is it jaehee?” his voice getting a little louder “why are you getting so angry?” my voice was naturally getting louder as well and a frown appeared on my face. “It is someone I know? I swear if it’s that best friend of yours I will kill him” “Just forget it” I stood up and walked away, annoyed that he overreacted over a joke I was making “how could I just forget this, the girl I loved, the girl I can’t live without is telling me she cannot live without another guy” he shouted, frustrated with where this was going.

We never really fought, well the only time we ever fought head-on was when it was over my best friend being and he got really upset that I was spending more time with Zelo than I was with him. I remember that it was when we were in our second year of high school when I was walking home with Zelo because we only stayed three blocks away from each other and we would have to pass by my house as it was on the way to his house. We were laughing over what happened today when we on our field trip, Jongup being 4D as usual we thought he was lost because he wasn’t walking behind us anymore and so the entire class had to search for him it was hilarious because in the end we found him still in the bus staring blanking at us, in the end we found out that he fell asleep on the bus when we alighted the bus so he didn’t know that we even left. But then as I got to my doorstep I saw that Daehyun was waiting for me at my doorstep, he was a year older than us and we were supposed to celebrate our three months anniversary that day. But as he looked up his gaze went straight to Zelo, he was upset and he didn’t like the idea that Zelo walked me home every day saying that he should be the one to do it. Naturally I was angry because Zelo and I had been doing that since day one when we first enrolled to this school, before I met Daehyun, Zelo was already walking me home every day and I wasn’t going to drive my best friend away just like that.

We didn’t talk to each other for weeks and all our friends thought we had broken up then one day I decided that I didn’t want to continue this and called him to break up but instead he asked me to open my door. I suspiciously opened my door to see him holding out a rose with a note, his eyes red and puffy from crying. He immediately hugged me with his head on my shoulder before letting the tears fall, “Jaehee I’m sorry I shouldn’t have said that, I was jealous that he had a bigger place in your heart than I did, I wanted to be the one that you spent your time with. But now I realized that I was wrong, I won’t do it again please I know you want to break up but please… please don’t…” his voice trembled and choked from the tears that drenched my shoulder. I knew that he was jealous but yet I didn’t understand him “Daehyun” I hugged him back “I’m sorry that I didn’t understand you” my tears fell staining my cheeks. Other than that time, we only had mini squabbles mostly about food such as ice-cream flavours or the type of spaghetti to choose, but other than that we almost never get into a fight.

His loud voice echoed off the walls of his apartment, I continued my way out ignoring every word that he said I know I was being unreasonable but the fact that he immediately assumed Zelo to be the one I was referring to, hit my nerve and it was just like the previous argument all over again. I could understand him but I didn’t want to, at least not now. “Jaehee!” he shouted once more as I grabbed my bag off the sofa in the living room and headed for the main door. Tears were brimming in my eyes, I hated that I was so emotional but I couldn’t help but feel upset over such a tiny matter blowing up into a big fight. As I turned the door knob, a warm hand wrapped around my wrist and pulled me back into a tight warm embrace, away from the main door. “Jaehee…” he sobbed his hands now around my waist holding me tightly like it was the last time he would ever see me again “don’t leave me…” his raspy voice trembled “don’t leave me… for whoever that guy is, I love you too much to let you go. I-I-I don’t think I can live without you Jaehee. No I know I can’t, not for a single day not for a single second” I dropped my bag and returned the hug his words tugged on my heartstrings triggering the part of me to put away my pride, hiding my face in his warm chest and I let my tears that were supposed to be braving holding up, fall. The sounds of sniffling and sobbing filled the apartment “don’t you know how much I love you…” he voice trailed off “can’t we just stay like we were 10 minutes ago, in each other arms? I don’t want this to end, I don’t want us to end…”

I pulled away from the hug slightly to look at him, his tears were still flowing endlessly and it hurt me to see his beautiful face tainted by all the pain I’ve brought upon him. I leaned in closer to his face, tipping my toes so I could reach him, he then leaned downwards and held the sides of my waist pulling me closer to his body. Both of our eyes were slightly closed, tilting our heads before our lips met. I felt the last tear that he was holding up in his eye, fall onto my warm cheeks as we deepened our kiss, our lips naturally melted into each other like puzzle pieces that perfectly fitted together. I wrapped my arms around his neck and his hands left my waist to hold the sides of my face, as our breaths mixed with each other’s I could hear the whispers of “I love you’s” leaving his lips. I tip toed to be even closer to him, I loved him more than I knew I did, more than I knew I could ever love someone. I desperately wanted everything to return back to where it was 10 minutes ago where we just cuddling.

“I’m sorry Daehyun-ah” I pulled away from the kiss to look into his eyes as he smiled at me “and by the way the person that I said I couldn’t live without… it’s not Zelo, it’s you pabo-ah” a bright grin appeared on his face as he lifted me up and swung me in circles, hugging me tightly. “Stop it! I’m getting dizzy now” I closed my eyes tightly as he put me down, now tears still fell from his eyes “why are you crying?” I wiped it away with my thumb. “I’m too happy that it’s me and not Ze- someone else” he sniffled and pecked my lips “you should’ve told me earlier before I got angry pabo-ah” “well you were so angry how was I supposed to tell you” I returned the peck with an extra peck “stop it with your sweet kisses, you know that it’s my weakness” he brushed the strands of hair that were covering my face “and you know that you’re my weakness” I gave him another peck. “I love you jagiya, the one I can’t live without.” “Me too, pabo-ah.”

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