03 Jackson: DVD Player

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//Requested by another user on quotev 🙈💕 @kawaii tenshi // loved this so muchhhh hahahaha! XOXO~ please request moreeee 😘


"Urgh why won't you open!" i said fumbling at the door, i just got home after finally getting my new dvd player because the previous one had a tragic yet pretty cliche ending of having someone spill beer on it but we should save this story for another day, now this box that i carrying was blocking my view of the keyhole and on top of that my phone that i placed on top of the box was slipping off. "Here let me help" a blonde boy wearing a light denim shirt over a plain white tee ran over from the lift and took the box from me "Thanks i sworn i would have died if you weren't here" i laughed at myself and opened the door swiftly "You're welcome! I'm Bambam by the way" he smiled cutely "I'm Joan wanna come in? i feel so bad that you're carrying my stuff for me" i wanted to take the box from him but he avoided me and went into my house and set the box down on the floor "I'm strong so its fine!" he patted himself his chest as if he was the hulk. "If you say so...." all i could do was chuckle at his actions "Hey i am

strong Joan don't be mean," he pouted before continuing "oh my roommates and i live just down the hall at 07-08 you should come visit us don't worry they are very friendly especially to girls!" he sat himself down on the sofa "oh is that so" i replied not surprised, boys will always be boys. "Yeah in fact you should come over now!" "Wait... what?"

Bambam dragged me out by grabbing onto my wrist making me follow him "Wait i haven't even close the door yet... Bambam!" we were already at their door i turned back to see my door still left open "Don't worry Joan so far there hasn't been any thefts in this building" he opened the door and all the boys were crowding around the living area playing Mario cart but paused their precious game to look at me "Ummmm Bambam..." "Yes?" "They're staring..." "Oh right about that, hehe. Guys this is Joan i met her today she lives down the hall!" A tall lean boy with black hair walked towards us "Hi Joan I'm Jinyoung but you can call me Jr." he smiled sweetly at me "Hi Jr." i replied a little shy because they were all so good looking, he put one arm around my shoulder and pointed one by one at the other boys as he introduced them "This here is Jaebum, you can call him JB he is our grandfather!" "Your what?" they all broke into laughter including Bambam who was now rolling on the ground "Not literally but he just is-" "Jr. don't give the pretty girl a bad impression of me" JB cut Jr. off and winked at me... i could feel my cheeks start to burn "She needed to know our inside jokes if she's going to hang out with us often and so this is Mark" a red haired boy waved shyly and grinned melting my heart "he's a little shy but he'll open up, then that is Youngjae our black hole" i felt his pain i was the black hole in my group of friends as well "Awwww hyung why do you have to tell everyone that?" he whined a little which was kinda cute actually, oh gosh what was i saying "Ok so this id Yugyeom our maknae" he continued ignoring Youngjae which caused everyone to laugh even harder "Lastly this is Jack-" "No let me do my own intro!" "Fine" he went back to the sofa inbetween JB and Mark "Hi I'm Jackson" he walked up to me shyly looking down and reached his hand out, i shook it and he quickly ran back to his spot as i saw his face blush. Everyone woo-ed us "What happened to the wild and sexy Jackson?" Bambam finally got up from the floor "See your gonna fit right in with us" he pulled me to sit next to him and JB.

"Die die die!" i shouted while i turned the wheel trying to overtake Bambam in the game, the other two players were Jr. and Jackson they all turned to look at me absorbed into the game and saw some of them chuckle when i tilted my body along with the steering wheel. "Wait for me" Jr. chuckled as we saw his character coming right behind mine "NEVER!!!" i started to go faster and bounced a little on the sofa "no no no not like that" JB scooted closer to me and put his left arm around me to held the steering wheel with my hands still on it "here like this.." he tilted the wheel and picked up some items in the game to help me go faster but he was so close that i didn't dare to turn my head or concentrate in the game.

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