30 Jin: White Petals

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Hello 😌
I hope you like this Jin one shot, beware if you cannot take mentions of death, pills, etc please do not read hahahaha but anyway I hope you all enjoyed it. 🙊


White Petals.

They signified purity... innocence...

Jin looked down to the white petals he held in both of his hands, they were soft, delicate and beautiful just like her. Tears started to form in his eyes, It was all his fault there was no one else to blame but himself. He couldn't protect her... he wasn't there when she needed him. He imagined her struggling to get away from the drunk man,



He shut his eyes and clenched his hands almost crushing the petals as his tears rolled down, she was probably screaming for him to save her, to protect her. He imagined her getting pinned down onto the hard stoned floor and getting slapped for making so much noise as he touched her. It made him so mad, he didn't want to picture it in his mind of what he had done to her but the images won't leave him alone.

"A girl around the age of 18 or 19 was raped and brutally killed yesterday in one of the alleys at 719-503 Anyang 9 Dong-" "What?" Jin choked and spit out his cereal "where did she just say it was?" he panicked "Anyang 9-Dong Hyung" Jungkook muffled still munching on his cereal as Jin started to search the living room for his handphone. "Are you okay hyung? Your phone its here" Jungkook pointed to the phone that was next to the cereal box.

Jin's hands trembled as he pressed 1 on speed dial, "Jin hyung, is something wrong?" Jungkook came over to see who is was calling before coming to realise what he was so worried about.

"Please... pickup..." Jin mumbled and closed his eyes praying his nightmares wouldn't come true, "The incident occurred about 11pm as the victim was on her way back to her apartment," the reporter continued to narrate as Jin and Jungkook mellowly watched the television waiting for her to pickup her phone. "It can't be her" Jungkook held onto his hyung's arm, worried.

"The victim was strangled to death before attaining a crack on her skull from receiving a blow to her head from a rock. Forensic scientists also found out that the murderer had also stuffed tissues down her throat as well," Jungkook could feel his hyung trembling in fear that the victim would be her and Jungkook knew how much he loved her, how much he treasured her. He couldn't imagine what would happen if the victim was her.

"The girl has no track records nor does she stay with her parents or any legal guardian, if you do know this girl, please contact your nearest police station to identify her body, The girl's name is-"

No, please don't say her name...

It can't be her, please pickup and tell me it isn't you....


No it can't be her...




The phone went dead "The number you've called is unavailable, please leave a message after the tone."

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