42 V/Jungkook: Forgotten (Pt.2)

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"hey seyoung-ah want to meet me at the park? i've got something to show you" i typed out the message and hit the send button as butterflies fluttered in my stomach i flipped the phone over and jumping on my bed waiting for her reply, "omg pls reply pls dont think i'm hitting on you" i mumbled into my pillow, no matter how much you wanted to steal her heart you know you had to take baby steps, she wouldnt accept me if i rushed into it. "ZZZzzzz" my phone buzzed making me jump to pick my phone up and throwing my phone back onto the bed when i saw it was from Jimin... gosh...

"does she think im crazy? maybe she figured out i was talking about her omg.... or does she think that im being weird?" i covered my face with the pillow and mentally crying from the wait even though it probably only has been about 2 mins, "ZZzzZzz" my phone buzzed again "please dont be jimin please dont be jimin" i closed my eyes slowly opening it to see the name "seyoungie" and i opened my eyes wide excited at her reply, "sure thing, i'll be there in 10 see ya kookie" i read her reply and immediately jumped up to get ready. I ran to the park mindlessly and totally forgot to bring my phone along with me and i mentally cursed myself for being so forgetful, but i was going to meet Seyoung so it didn't really matter. I sat on one of the park benches near the entrance, "Seyoung would probably pass by this place right?" I said to myself, i was practically beaming and people were staring at me like i was a weirdo.

2 hours later.....

"where is she..." i swung my legs around, "maybe i should've brought my phone" i sighed, it was getting dark and i wont be able to find my way back if i continued to stay here, so i dragged my feet back home, grouching as i unlocked the door sighing. Seyoung was the first girl i ever asked out... and i guess maybe its not meant to be. I heard my phone buzz as i went to pick it up "errllo?" "jungkook! omg why didn't you pick up your phone?" she worriedly questioned me "i left it at home..." "i thought something happened to you! where are you i've been waiting at the park for more than an hour" she growled at me, "yo-you're at the park?" a smile grew on my face "yeah silly we are meeting at the park aren't we?" "don't move i'll be right there!" i ran out of the house this time remembering to bring my phone with me. I ran all the way to the end of the park when you can see the han river and i saw Seyoung sitting on a hill with the han river in view.

"Seyoung!" i ran towards her, i think she's mad... she looks pretty mad at me "hiya..." i smiled "is that all you can say?" she sassed me, "well i waited as long as you did actually, i waited at the entrance for you but we just didn't cross paths" i beamed taking a sit on the grass next to her, "why didn't you say that earlier, i thought you bailed on me and i was about to kill you" she laughed shaking her head, "so what is it that you wanted to show me?" "erm actually i wanted to prepare a surprise picnic but i think its too late for that" i looked up at the dark sky. "well i know something that we can do, come lets go" she stood up and offered me her hand, i smiled and held her hand as we walked along han river, she brought me to a bike rental shop "you know how to ride a bike right kookie?" she pulled two bikes out from the shop, "yea i do" i took one of the bikes from her hand. "lets go go! lets see who reaches the end of the park first!" she jumped onto the bike and sped off "yah wait for me!" i yelled, i havent even got onto the bike yet.

I peddled faster and faster as i chased after her making her scream as i was right behind her "go away jungkook!" she laughed trying to cycle faster, "no way im letting you win" i peddled faster over taking her bike, "yahhhhh" she yelled "jeon jungkook stop cheating!" she shouted "how am i cheating?" i turned back to see her trying to peddle faster but she was already going at her full speed so i decided to slow down a little, "the fact that you have longer legs than me is already cheating" she laughed, "you're such a cheater seyoung" i started to trail behind her slightly. "yah how are your legs still cycling so fast, mine's already tired" i lied, to be honest i was so excited i could cycle for hours right now. "thats because im a pro cyclist" she flipped her hair at me, the entire time we were laughing and screaming at each other for cheating, especially when i tried to overtake her she would whip her hair at me. "I won!" Seyoung jumped off her bicycle and fell to the ground "i think my legs gave way..." she stretched out her legs and scrunching up her face "i shouldn't have suggested this" she laughed and i took the spot beside her.

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