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The following morning Stevie wanted anything but to get out of bed. She disobeyed her own rule and didn't wash off the makeup from the night before as she just took off her clothes and got into bed, the covers hiding almost her whole body, her hair a complete mess. She turned her head to the other side, finding Lindsey gone. She knew he would be up by now, she couldn't remember the last time they lay in together. Then she rolled onto her back, exhaling deeply, staring up at the ceiling.

When did her life become such a mess? She was a worldwide famous rockstar, she had money, her fans adored her, she had lots of friends, she married the man she was in love with, yet something wasn't quite right. Along the way, she started losing what was always most important to her – Lindsey. She knew she had aged, her body had changed... but did she look so bad that it caused him to lose complete interest in her? Or did he run out of love for her? Whatever it was, it bothered Stevie. She feared he might up one morning and ask for divorce, she couldn't survive that, no. She realized she became bitchy towards him and most of the things he did irritated her, it was when she thought they were over, but then it stopped. A man, someone she had known for years and years, called her and had a proposition for her. She agreed almost instantly. When she met with him, they went out and had too many drinks that led them to a one nightstand, which it wasn't. He called her and she saw him again...

After taking a much needed shower, Stevie headed upstairs, glancing at the clock as she entered the kitchen. It was just after eleven, sure Lindsey hadn't had breakfast yet. She opened the fridge and things were untouched, nor were there any dirty dishes in the sink; another giveaway, as he never cleaned up after himself. She decided to cook something for them both, maybe she could get at least a tiny piece of his attention. Twenty minutes later, the table was set; a cup of coffee and a plate of omelet for each. She hadn't dressed up yet, only wearing her silk kimono robe that clung to her body, Stevie went to the studio, where she was sure she was going to find Lindsey.

She knocked before entering and did so only after hearing him asking her in. "Hey."

"Hey." Lindsey replied, without turning to look at her, occupied with writing something down.

"I made breakfast, thought maybe you'd like to join me?" She stood, leaning against the doorway, with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Not hungry."

"Well, at least have a cup of coffee?"

"Don't wanna."

"Is there anything you want to do with me at all anymore!" She knew she was going to explode at some point, although she didn't think it would happen so out of the blue.

"Stevie, I'm not interested in any of your moments, okay? You asked me for breakfast, I said no, if you can't see it yourself, I'm busy here. So, why don't you just close the door from the other side?"

"What happened, Lindsey? What did I do or didn't do that you hate me so much for?"

"You didn't do anything, I don't hate you. I'm just... I just have a lot of work to do, while we're on the break from the tour."

"Well, do you love me then?"

"Seriously, Ste-"

"No, answer me. Do you still love me?"

"We're still married, aren't we?"

"That's not what I asked."

"Okay, then, I love you, still. Happy now?"

"I would have been if you had made it sound at least a little bit convincing." She sighed and turned around to leave him be.

Lindsey was so oblivious, he honestly thought their marriage was fine. How many other couples are still touchy feely, romantic after so many years spent together? They had known each other for fifty years. Fifty! Been married for almost twenty. They were in their sixties now, surely having sex four or five times a week was no standard, was it? He could maybe kiss and hold her occasionally, but the energy he could use making love to her, he dedicated it all to his music. He was married to one of the most desirable women to this day, any man would love nothing more than to trade places with him and still, to Lindsey she was just his wife, the urge to get her naked every time she came into the room was long gone and truly, not because he didn't love her, just... just because.

Stevie hated to appear like one of those spoilt Hollywood stars to the maid, but Lindsey's lack of interest was driving her insane, she simply couldn't control herself, when clearing off the table with her hand, everything smashing on the floor. She was hurt and angry, that's how she was feeling constantly. She stomped up the stairs and slammed the bedroom door, then locked it, as she needed a minute to herself. She searched for her phone and then sat down on the edge of the bed, waiting for the call to be answered.

"What a nice way to kick of my day. Morning."

"I need to see you."

"What, now?"

"Right now."

"Babe, I'd love to, but I really don't have the time for us to-"

"We don't have to have sex, I just really need you right now, okay? I need you to be there for me, to hold me and tell me it's going to be fine."

"I, uh... Sure, okay I'll see you. Where?"

"My condo?"

"Are you sure about that?"

"Yes, please just stop questioning me. I'll see you in an hour?"

"I'll be there."

Having heard the commotion in the kitchen, Lindsey came out of his cave and went to check what happened, seeing smashed plates and mugs on the marble floor, making him sigh. He went in search for Stevie, fairly quickly locating her in the bedroom, yet the fact the door was locked, he did not like.

"Stevie, are you in here?... Steph?"

"Why do you care?"

"What do you mean, of course I care. I'm sorry I made you mad, open up please?"

"Go away!"

"Come on, baby, don't be like this."

"Just go back to that fucking studio, I'll live."

"Unlock the door."




Lindsey gritted his teeth, clenching his fists, she was seriously trying out his patience. "I'll break it down then."

"I somehow doubt you want to talk to me that much, you'd ruin a perfectly fine door."

"You're such a stubborn bitch, you know that?" She didn't reply, putting on her choice of clothes, before she applied her makeup. "I'm sorry, you're just... You're so..."

Lindsey didn't say anything for a couple of minutes, so Stevie thought he went away, as she went to open the door, wanting to leave the bedroom. But they were face to face, once the barrier disappeared.


"Where are you off to?"

"It's not your business." She said and tried to push past him, but he grabbed onto her hand. "Hey!"

"You're my wife, I think it's my business."

"Oh am I? You act as if I'm her so rarely, I've actually forgotten about it! This ring to me is just a piece of jewelry now." She spat angrily, holding up her hand. "Now let me go."

"You know, I really don't understand you. One moment you're all, oh Lindsey, pay attention to me, the next you can't get away from me fast enough!"

"I wish I didn't have to be this way." She freed herself from his grasp and began walking down the hallway.

"Why do you want me to do! Take you out? I will. Where do you want to go?"

"One night out every half a year won't fix things."

"What's there to fix?"

"Everything, if we want this marriage to survive." She replied, without looking back, as he followed her.

"Seriously? You can't even stop and talk to my face? You know what then? Fuck you! Go wherever you want and do whatever the hell you want. I'm over this bullshit!"

Then Stevie stopped at the bottom of the stairs, as Lindsey walked past her, tears once again threatening to fall, as she forgot all about her makeup, put on her sunglasses and took her car keys, wanting nothing more than to leave the place she called home.

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