I can't do this

639 41 22

Lindsey hadn't even been back for an hour, when he left again, standing on the pavement, unsure what to do or where to go. Since he had already had a few drinks, he decided on ending the night at a bar. He began walking, hands in his jeans' pockets, his trademark leather jacket on his shoulders, head down. He stopped by a good enough looking place and went inside, feeling glad that not too many people were there. He chose to sit at the bar, right away asking for a glass of straight whiskey. The barman didn't took a minute, bringing him the chosen poison for the night. 

The music was playing faintly, just a background noise, but Lindsey still made it out to be one of Michael Bolton's songs. 

 They said you were leavin'
Someone's swept your heart away  

Was she in love with Don?, was the first question on Lindsey's mind. No, she claimed to love me - a swig of whiskey. How is he so much better than me? What does he do to her that I can't or maybe won't? No, that's bullshit, we've never been shy in the bedroom. Then what? The only logical explanation for the fact she can't stay away from that man is that she's fallen out of love with me and fell for him again. God, I would hate that!, - another gulp of the burning liquid. She's been driving me mad, I want to hate her, I... I want to leave her most of the time, but I can't, because I've been in love with her for the past fifty fucking years.

 Tell me how am I supposed to live without you
Now that I've been lovin' you so long  

Oh, fuck off, Bolton! I feel so guilty for leaving her in such a state, she's a mess really and I still left. But I needed to be away from her for some time, to clear my head. Why is it that us, two people, who love each other more than anything, hate each other just as much? This is really fucked up... 

 I didn't come here for cryin'
Didn't come here to break down
It's just a dream of mine is coming to an end  

Is it coming to an end though? Or is there a way back? We tried counselling and it turned out to hurt us more than help us. What if... what if she didn't go because the therapist supposedly went to the press? What if she just couldn't stay away from Henley? Maybe while I'm here, trying to find out how to solve our problems, she's thinking of leaving? Leaving me, leaving what we've built in the past decades? Part of me wants to run back to that hotel room, sweep her off the floor, tell her how much I love her, make love to her and never let her go. But I can't. No, she has to realize that there's a limit. I won't be able to just keep forgiving her, that I hurt too.

Lindsey exhaled deeply, putting his hand up asking for another drink. But this time, with the glass along came a woman, smiling, showing to the stool next to him. "Is this seat taken?" He simply shrugged and shook his head. "I couldn't help but notice just how upset you seem over something."

"And you reckoned you'd come over here and cheer me up?"

"Well, actually yes. Is that so wrong of me?"

"Honestly, I don't really care." Lindsey replied, looking at his whiskey, as if willing it to form some kind of message so he would know how to act next where Stevie was concerned.

"I'm Kelly. And you?" She added, when getting back no answer.

"Lindsey." Another heavy sigh. 

"I know we just met, Lindsey, but you can talk to me. Obviously, something is bothering you and I know for a fact it would help if you talked about it."

"I'm not really into opening up to strangers."

For the first time since Kelly sat down, Lindsey took a look at her; clearly younger, busty, short skirt, revealing blouse. Blonde. She was his type from head to toe. 

"Is it your wife? Girlfriend?"


"Oh, I didn't notice the ring." Lindsey had his hands clasped. "What did she do then? Or was it your fault?"

"I don't think telling you is such a great idea."

"Oh come on, it will make you feel better, I promise."

"She, um... She can't stay away from one of her ex's, we got into an argument about it, I had to leave."

"Really? Well, that sounds silly. Why would she need someone else, when she has such a handsome man, she calls her husband?"

"She's sorry, I know she is, but she can't stop it and I'm beginning to lose patient's with her."

"Say, Lindsey... how about we ditch this place and go somewhere quieter? For example, I live just around the corner."

"I suppose." He shrugged, finishing off his drink. It really had been a while since somebody gave a damn about how he felt. 

Kelly was leading the way out and Lindsey couldn't help it, as his eyes fell on her backside... I mean, Stevie did say she would understand and forgive me, he contemplated.

The fresh air sobered him up a little, making him leave a gap between him and the woman he just met, with whom he was going to her place... She really did live close, as their walk lasted about ten minutes. 

Once in her apartment, Kelly looked through her bar, offering Lindsey the same he was drinking earlier, while she picked a bottle of champagne for herself. She sat right next to him, purposefully brushing against his leg.

"How long have you been married?"

"Twenty years, been on and off for thirty before."

"Oh wow."

"Yeah." Lindsey leaned against the back of the couch, Kelly turned more towards him. "Actually, I really don't want to talk about it. I've already said too much." He took a mouthful, eager to divert the attention from him. "What about you? Married?"

"No, I'm single at the moment. I'm not very good at the whole love thing." She half smiled, looking down at her flute. "I guess, we have something in common."

"Don't we?" He nodded. "But it's hard to believe it, you're a very beautiful, attractive woman."

"You're making me blush." 

"It's the truth." 

They maintained eye contact, not saying a word for a moment, before Lindsey put his glass on the table, taking hers too, leaning back again. He reached for her hand, patting his lap. "Come here."

She didn't hesitate, straddling him, as he met her halfway in a frenzied kiss. She had to be around forty and the fact she clearly wanted him, was a huge ego boost. She was already gyrating her hips against him, as he worked on her blouse, revealing her breasts that were practically spilling out of her bra. She threw her head back with a moan, when he started kissing along the edge of the lacy material, his one hand sneaking up her skirt. She made him stop for as long as it took her to get up and pull it down, as she sat on him in nothing but her matching underwear. His lips seemed to be everywhere at once, his hands giving her breasts a firm squeeze, causing a yelp. He pulled her panties to one side, finding her all hot and ready at the same time as she grasped his erection through his pants. 

Then he stopped everything altogether. 

"What's wrong? I have protection if that's what you're worried about." She tried to capture his lips again, but he shook his head and showed her to get off him.

"No, I just... I simply can't do this. I'm sorry. I thought I could, she... she even let me, but..." Lindsey trailed off, grabbing his jacket. "I can't cheat on her, I love her too much."

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