I thought...

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She parted her lips, unsure at first, feeling his tongue brush against hers, eliciting a moan from her, as she shut her eyes, allowing him to push her onto her back, her hands in his hair, while his were roaming all of her.

But all of a sudden, she broke the kiss, pushing at his chest. "No. No, we cannot be doing this, not again." 

He nodded, avoiding looking at her. "You're right, absolutely. I shouldn't have done that, I just thought you wanted me to..."

"I did for a split second, but we have to stay over. This is wrong. We're already in trouble for it." 

"I need a drink." Don stood up, going to the minibar. "Do you want anything?" He was desperate to move on from that kiss.

"No, it's 10 am..." She declined, partly because she wasn't sure what might come over again if she had any alcohol. "What are we going to do?"

"Pay that therapist of yours, I guess. Why else did she go to the press?"

"I can't stand the thought of seeing her again."

"I can do it myself."

"No, no I got us into this mess, it's my job to get us out. And I will be the one paying her."


"No, Don. I fucked it all up, not you."

"Should we go now?"

After a change of clothes Stevie said she needed, she and Don were in his car again, as she directed him to Dr. Phyllis' office. She thought going to see the woman by herself would be a wiser choice, but Don disagreed, saying he was going to come along.

"No scenes, okay?" Stevie asked as nicely as she could, causing Don to roll his eyes, but then he nodded. 

"Good morning." The receptionist smiled, once they walked inside. "How may I help you? Do you have an appointment?"

"Hi. No, not exactly."

"Then Dr. Phyllis won't be able to see you today, I'm sorry."

"Oh, I think she will. Is she in her office?"

"She is, but-"

"Thanks." Stevie cut the girl off and led the way. She knocked when they reached the door, but Don wasn't going to be as polite, stepping in front of her as he opened the door and invited himself in.

"Excuse me, I'm in the middle of-"

"You're going to have to cut it short."

If the doctor didn't recognize Don right away, she definitely knew Stevie, standing next to him. "I'm so sorry, Mr. and Mrs. Hanks. I won't be charging you for this session." The other couple got up and with confusion written all over their faces, left, giving way for Stevie and Don. "I can't say I wasn't expecting you."

"Cut the crap." Don stood with his arms folded, Stevie giving him a look. "How much is it for you to stop spreading your poison?"

"Oh, but it's only the truth, isn't it? Stephanie here, told me all about you two. You truly sound like a dream of a man, it was nice to finally put the face to this wonderful description, thanks to your husband that you love so much." The last part told to Stevie. "She was going on and on about how incredible you are, in every way, isn't that right?"

"Why are you doing this?" Stevie couldn't listen to it anymore. "What have Lindsey and I done so horrible to you that you're torturing us so badly? Going to the press about the affair? Didn't you at least for a second think how it would affect Don and his family?"

"I hate cheaters! You never think of what it might do to the other person, who doesn't have the slightest idea of what's going on behind their back! And trust me, I know just how exactly it would affect his family. His wife would be shattered into pieces and his kids would never forgive him for what they've done to their mother!"

"Sounds to me like you're speaking from personal experience." Don said, seeing the woman's eyes brim with tears.

"My own husband hurt me like this and he ruined me. From that day I despise unfaithful heartless sorry excuses for a human beings like you two. I wanted you to suffer, I want your image to be ruined, for people to see you for the real you. And everything you said to Lindsey, how you wouldn't cheat on him ever again, that's bullshit. Once a cheater - always a cheater."

Stevie swallowed uneasily, unsure where to look. Was she really that horrible? She knew she was hurting Lindsey with what she did, but she was trying to change as well. She didn't want to put him through the same thing again, did she? But then... why did she let Don kiss her earlier? She couldn't have been that weak... 

After a lengthy moment of silence, Stevie cleared her throat, trying to compose herself. "I'm sorry that happened to you. In our situation, Don and I, we understand just how wrong we were to be doing what we were. Believe it or not, we won't go back to being those people. And please... please, take it back? We can't have this story coming out, it would destroy our lives."

"Should have thought about it before you got in his bed, shouldn't you?"

"Hey, like Stevie said, we understand we were wrong, we screwed up, but there's no reason for you to be so disrespectful. We all make mistakes." Don felt a need to defend Stevie. 




"Don, it's okay."

"Like hell it is! Who the hell do you-"

"Don!" Stevie shouted, catching his attention. "Go. Go and wait for me in the car."

With clenched fists and gritted teeth, he backed down, doing as Stevie asked, leaving the two women on their own. 

"Fine. I'm not sure what it is I'm paying you for, but I'll do it." Stevie said, with a heavy sigh.

No more than ten minutes later, Don saw her coming his way, with her shades on, lips sealed in a thin line. She got in and fastened the seat belt. 

"Are you okay?" He asked, mindlessly placing his palm on her thigh.

"Been better. I'm not used to throwing out $100,000 every day, so I wouldn't get ratted out."

They didn't speak for a minute. 

"So... should I take you home?"


When they arrived at Stevie's condo again, she was hesitant to get out and he sensed it, yet said nothing. She felt terrible; she knew Lindsey was mad, she just gave away a huge sum of money for no reason really and she also knew if she was left by herself, she would spend the remainder of they day crying and hating herself. 

At last, she faced him, asking. "Do you think you could spend some time with me?"

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